End of the Game of Keeps


Brother Ravenwood’s

Mythwood Chronicles

End of the Game of Keeps

Hello dear reader! If you don’t know me, my name is Brother Abaddon Ravenwood. Most people in the Wood call me “Brother Ravenwood” or “hey I need a mage”. I’ve been out of the Myth Wood for most of the year on various personal research projects. When I returned, I was dismayed to find the free Myth Wood I left was enslaved by the Game of Keeps. My understanding was that this game had enveloped most of the denizens of the Wood. This could not stand. Continue reading End of the Game of Keeps

Final October 2016 Rankings

img_1437The 2016 season has come to a close.  We had a fantastic year as well as last event.  Ed and I would like to thank you all for coming out to help us have such a great time.

The final numbers show just how much fun we all had.  Check out the factoid post I posted for some fun statistics.  I have updated the Rankings page (click here) to have the final numbers.   Congrats to all who leveled up.   Thanks to all who attended!

We will be posting the dates for next years events as soon as we pin them down, as well as any winter gathers we will be planning.

Stay tuned for hints as to what is coming up next year.  The planning has already begun….

Prelude to Tamberleon

The cry of a child, a warriors cry
To answer the call, a call to die
A choice for the blight
A choice for the light
Stone cold with fright
A part of the night
A man of anger, by which he was driven
Would fight for an Order, his name being Riven
A warrior boasting of many talents
Would one day rise to fight for Balance
A man who once was kind and free
Would spread Chaos with unbridled glee
Will these woods ever heal
From the grim sound of steel on steel
A tale of revenge, Fury and glory,
Sit down by the fire, for this is their story.

(Discovered on a page fragment from Book 1 of the Tome of Dragons.)

My Lady Tirza

My Lady Tirza,
I pray this finds you well, and that negotiations with the Dark Cloud and Wei Tang Marauder clans have gone as planned. I advise caution when dealing with the Brethren of the Southern Isles. Their leader, Captain Gweir is a wily man, and will seize upon any opportunity he is given. Once a deal is struck, however, he is a loyal ally. My brother has ever been so, since we were small children. When his loyalty has been earned, he will be a strong voice for you in the Council of the Seas, which has governed pirates for longer than anyone can remember. Uniting them with the brigand clans and the Thieves Guild is no small task, but if anyone can do it, it is you.  Continue reading My Lady Tirza

October 2016 Random Battle Factoids

So I have started pulling together the numbers for the October Event.   No Matt, I am not done with it yet.  But while crunching numbers here are a few things that I noticed.  Since Ed is busy editing a story written by one of our fellow denizens I took a bit of time to write them up.

Random factoids noticed after calculating the experience just for kills: Continue reading October 2016 Random Battle Factoids

October 2016 Recap

Well everyone, once again a wonderful season of L.A.R.P.ing comes to an end in the Myth Wood. Thank you to everyone who made our final l.a.r.p. of 2016 so much fun.

To recap the day: The skulls of Order, Chaos, and Balance took control of the bodies of their holders. They also took complete control of everyone who held a piece to a game of keeps. They then split them up and had the Blue team go to High Guard, the Red team go to Hammer’s Hold, and the Green Team went to Gray Arrow Keep. From there, the three teams began hunting and killing the other teams in hopes of capturing the other teams Keep Piece. The Skulls themselves took up residency in the places of power in the Myth Wood. Ordo of the Blue Skull went to the Arena of Valor. Abyssal of the Red Skull went to the Graveyard of the Fallen. Myth of the Green Skull made herself at home at the Lady’s Tree. Continue reading October 2016 Recap

Rokai’s Welcome to the Wood

Welcome to the Wood

As I awoke from what seemed to be an eternal slumber, I had no idea where I was or what happened to me before I woke. All I had was my sword, armor and a small amount of money in my pouch. Was I dead? Is this the afterlife? A dream maybe? So many questions, but  no one to answer them. I figured I should probably find out where I am first and answer my questions later.

I got up and walked around a bit and eventually found myself at a gate. A gate that seemed to lead into some woods that I have never seen before. Almost immediately after I heard a voice, a woman’s voice, “Go…” I looked around to find out where it was coming from, but to no avail. I heard it again, “Go… Go through the gates and you’ll find what you’re searching for.” I looked back at the gates and without hesitation, walked straight through. Continue reading Rokai’s Welcome to the Wood

After the Void

 Lord Riven, Shadow Stalker – After the Void

            I was trapped; whispers in the Wood told me that I would bring Peace to the Myth Wood by sanctifying the Battle Arena. Instead my soul was thrust into another Plane and my body was taken from me.  It was forced to do the bidding of an extremely power hungry entity. My original goals were always for the advancement of the Myth Wood, even if my methods were questionable.  I see now that I was just a pawn and that the Myth Wood will never be free to do as it wants as long as these Gods are allowed to use us.  During this time beyond the Wood, screaming like a frenzied rabbit trying to escape the wolf that it knows is always following, I had time to reflect. Reflect on what I had tried to do and to plan what would need to be done. Continue reading After the Void

Game of Keeps Pieces & Skulls

Myth Wood
Game of Keeps

  1. Keep – Holder gets Rally, and control of all other pieces of its color.
  2. Champion – Holder gets +2 armor, +1 weapon. May challenge the holder of the Keep piece for it.
  3. Mage – Holder gets additional 10 Mp. May ask the Keep piece holder for a quest to get upgraded to the Champion Piece.
  4. Paladin – Holder gets +2 armor. May ask the Keep piece holder for a quest to get upgraded to the Champion Piece.
  5. Ranger – Holder gets Fire Arrow, or Fire Arrows if you already have Fire Arrow. May ask the Keep piece holder for a quest to get upgraded to the Champion Piece.
  6. Soldier – Holder gets +1 armor. May ask the holder of the Keep Piece for a quest to be upgraded to Mage, Paladin, or Ranger piece.
  7. Mercenary – Holder gets one extra life, can change sides for a price. May ask the holder of the Keep Piece for a quest to be upgraded to Mage, Paladin, or Ranger piece

Myth Wood
Game of Keeps
The Skulls

A holder of a Skull cannot be harmed by any of the piece holders of the same color. In addition, the holder of the Skull may command three times per scenario any of the pieces of its color to do as the holder of the Skull wishes.

The holder of the Skull must complete the commands the Skull gives it. If the Holder does not complete the commands the Skull will choose a new holder.

The Honor System

I’ve thought about this subject often over the last few weeks and it came down to just two questions really. What is the honor system and why do we use this instead of referees?

Simply put, the honor system is a system put in place by which the players referee their own battles and quests. The players are responsible for their own actions in the Myth Wood so too are they responsible for reporting those actions to the officials. The key to this system is the honesty of the players involved. Without an honest accounting of what happened, things fall apart at the foundation.

Dishonest players assume an unfair advantage over other players and by so doing, they encourage other more honest players to fall to dishonesty in order to combat them. It’s a terrible cycle that we’ve thankfully only seen a few times. Most likely, the player in question is referred to as an ‘Immortal’ as no amount of fair clean hits will take the player down. They just refuse to acknowledge that they have been defeated. Sometimes a dishonest player will attempt to question every battle or every hit when it involves their defeat in an effort to confuse the issue and either void their last defeat or ‘redo’ the fight. Sometimes though, redoes are necessary, it’s only when it becomes a primary battle tactic that it falls into the realms of dishonesty. Continue reading The Honor System

A Game of Keeps


The opening of the new L.A.R.P. season is upon us.  The Gnomes are busy with their work crews clearing the trails and opening the mines.  The Lords are beginning to repair and rebuild after a fairly mild winter.   The Myth Wood Scribe has published his latest work, the story of “A Game of Keeps”.  Some of it may be familiar, some of the story is new.  Click here to read it.

The Magical Weapons and items of The Myth Wood

In the L.A.R.P. Realm of the Myth Wood there have been many different magical weapons and item that have influenced events. I will now try to made a comprehensive list of them with a bit of a history on them as well as who is in possession of them now.

The Black Sword, Sam’El

When the Wizard Agamemnon trapped the Daemon Lord Sam’El in his fiery sword he had no idea he would be creating a powerful sentient weapon. The sword was a powerful weapon in its own right, now combined with Sam’El’s dark soul it is almost unstoppable.  Whoever knowingly chooses to pick up the Black Sword is instantly possessed by the personality of Sam’El, and granted all of the power of a Daemon Lord.  The Black Sword’s hold over its wielder can only be broken when the sword comes in contact with Agamemnon the White. In time the Sword will devour the soul of its wielder, thereby permanently turning the person into a standard Daemon. Then it will need a new wielder. At this point the Black Sword is being wielded by the Paladin Arsten. Continue reading The Magical Weapons and items of The Myth Wood

Myth Wood Foamsmithing Tutorial

This tutorial (view PDF) is my attempt to help those who have not made any L.A.R.P. weapons learn the process. This is the main method that I use to make weapons in the Myth Wood. Other Foamsmiths have other methods. If you ever have a question feel free to get ahold of any of us Foamsmiths, we love to help out. Shared ideas can only make our weapons better.

What you will need. Continue reading Myth Wood Foamsmithing Tutorial

Winter 2016 Feast and Tournament

Many of us gathered together last Saturday for our annual tournament.   There were 15 people participating in the tournaments and about the same number of kids and spectators who showed up.

There were two tournaments throughout the day.  The first, and largest, was the one to determine who would wield FarinGar this year.   The tournament was a new style where each participant fought everyone else using the exact same weapons and each starting the fight with 3 lives.   We discovered that while we really like this style of tournament it makes for a long day, almost 5 hours of constant one-on-one battles.   In the end 89 battles were fought and after determining that the weapons weren’t going to hold up through every single fight we ended up skipping 16 battles that were unnecessary for determining the final victors.  Each participant fought in at least 8 battles.  This tournament was great because it offered a chance for people to fight in battles that they may have never fought with weapons they had never used before. Continue reading Winter 2016 Feast and Tournament

September 2015 Results

DSC00629Here are the rankings for the September 2015 event.  It was a great day and the stats show it!  The following characters leveled up:  Aurora (Bri), Balin Grumpkinsbane (Adam), Calinos (Steve), Erik Matrius (Mark O), Gadaren (Joey), Llew Silverhand (James), Mara/Marta (Amy), Rakiil (Dylan), Rawl (Jessica), Riddick (Brent), Samheim (Mark S. ), Sekhet (Danyel), and Sildiania (Lauren Tracy)

Download (PDF, 45KB)