I’ve thought about this subject often over the last few weeks and it came down to just two questions really. What is the honor system and why do we use this instead of referees?
Simply put, the honor system is a system put in place by which the players referee their own battles and quests. The players are responsible for their own actions in the Myth Wood so too are they responsible for reporting those actions to the officials. The key to this system is the honesty of the players involved. Without an honest accounting of what happened, things fall apart at the foundation.
Dishonest players assume an unfair advantage over other players and by so doing, they encourage other more honest players to fall to dishonesty in order to combat them. It’s a terrible cycle that we’ve thankfully only seen a few times. Most likely, the player in question is referred to as an ‘Immortal’ as no amount of fair clean hits will take the player down. They just refuse to acknowledge that they have been defeated. Sometimes a dishonest player will attempt to question every battle or every hit when it involves their defeat in an effort to confuse the issue and either void their last defeat or ‘redo’ the fight. Sometimes though, redoes are necessary, it’s only when it becomes a primary battle tactic that it falls into the realms of dishonesty. Continue reading The Honor System →