All posts by Riven Shadow Stalker

A King and a Brigand No More

It was year one The First King, King McCormick, had just begun his rule of the Myth Wood and had not yet established his laws or taxes. He had reigned in the people of the Myth Wood to crown him King, but had not yet put together the forces that would govern it. Because of this, the soldiers were working for him on faith alone and many were struggling to provide for themselves and their families. Without money to pay the soldiers and to provide the goods for the kingdom it seemed that brigands and mercenaries would soon run wild within the Myth Wood.  It was known throughout the kingdom, or at least by the brigands, that the Crown was having troubles filling its treasury. There were two such brigands that sought to take advantage of the situation, but by very different means.

The brigand Vigo gathered his forces and set up a tollway at the Myth Wood’s busiest intersection and would allow no one to pass without paying him for the privilege.

While I, Riven, knew that the King would try to quell this rebellion and work to take back the roads. Because this was an inevitable conflict that I wanted no part of, I tried to stay away from Vigo but without much success. I determined that I must take action to secure my own safety and free passage throughout the Myth Wood.

My dilemma started after having felt the cold steel of Vigo’s blade. I did not wish to continue to challenge his Brigand group for passage in the Myth Wood. I also did not want to run to the King like a simple peasant and beg him to deal with the situation. That would do nothing for my reputation and could undermine my credibility with the other brigands. Having just found my way into the Myth Wood I did not wish to make enemies or strong alliances with anyone before learning more of their motives.

As I worked my way around Vigo’s tollway I considered my options and happened upon an old keep. I did not know it at the time but this was Grey Arrow Keep, previous home of the Grey Elves. I found the structure to be suitable for defense and could be reasonably worked into a shelter for hard times. I considered the other Keeps in the Myth Wood and realized that King’s Rest and High Guard Keep  were the only two places that were currently occupied. I saw firsthand how difficult it was for the King to patrol and protect the vast Myth Wood with such few soldiers at his disposal. This was when I started to formulate my plan. One that helps the King, secures my future, and could possibly give me power to influence the Myth Wood as a whole. All while saving face with the Brigands and Mercenaries so that I could use their services in the future if necessary. I knew what I would need to accomplish my goals. I needed the skills of Shaun Sean, the fury of Balin, the might of Grimner, good timing, and every bit of the wealth I had accumulated in my short life within the Myth Wood.

Hiring these brave mercenaries was my first goal. They was easy enough to track down and was more than willing to go along with my plans as it meant no real work for them and hopefully they would not have to kill anyone. Their intrigue was heightened because I hired them anonymously and without details beyond their own strict duties.  

Next, I needed to find a time and place that the King would be alone. I came upon this information by loosening the tongue of a down trodden soldier with a few coins and found that the King would be by Hammers Hold later that very day. He would be alone because his soldiers were out collecting the first round of taxes from the Keeps in the Myth Wood.  I cannot speak as to how Shaun Sean captured the King other than to remark that the King did not look any worse for wear and that Balin was missing when I met him at Grey Arrow Keep that afternoon.

“Hail to the King!” I exclaimed to Grimner who was guarding Grey Arrow Keep for me as a security measure. I did not want anyone disturbing my meeting with the King. I spiraled my way down the stairs of the keep until I reached the dungeon where Shaun Sean held the king.  

“What is this about Riven?” King McCormick boomed at me as I entered the dank chamber. He was keeping his calm but I could see the anger dwelling deeper in his eyes. It was a testament to the man that he could still command such authority when he was tied and captured without any idea of how he might escape.

“I needed to speak with you alone and to give you an idea of how ill equipped the realm is to stop attempts on your life at this time.” I replied. “I have no desire to harm you and your bindings can be removed immediately if you are willing to hear me out.”

“There seems to be no choice in the matter.” McCormick grumbled.

Shaun Sean released the King from his ties and climbed the stairs to guard the door with Grimner as we discussed our private matters.

“It is widely known that the Crown does not have deep coffers and that soldiers are starting to look to more devious and unsavory ways to make some coin.” I began. “It cost me almost nothing to learn of your location and how many guards you would have with you at the time.” “I am not looking to exploit this lack of funds. In fact, I seek to strengthen your rule over the Myth Wood and even offer some of my own services to you.”

King McCormick eyed me suspiciously.  He had good reason for this since rumor was already spreading about my hijacking of a caravan and systematic elimination of everyone in the party. I cannot help it if they did not post a rear guard.

“Here is my offer. I will give you the money you need to pay your soldiers until you have accumulated enough money through your tax collection. I will also do my best to keep the brigands and mercenaries under control and stop them from overrunning all of the Keeps within the Myth Wood.”

“Of course they will still need something to do so I will work at making them fight amongst themselves and pit Brigand against Mercenary, using my own coin to bait them.”

I had the Kings attention but I could see that he was waiting for the hammer to drop and learn what I wanted from him for these favors.

“Get to the point!” McCormick demanded. “What do you want?”

“All I ask is that you make me a member of your Court. There is no royalty within the Myth Wood beyond the Royal Family and you are in sore need of someone to guard and maintain some of the many Keeps in the Realm. Make me a Lord. I will call Grey Arrow my home, maintain it, guard it, and supply you with information on what is happening in this side of the Myth Wood.” I remarked.  

King McCormick took no more than a minute to make his decision. “I agree to your terms Riven. However, if I find that you are using this title to oppress my people or try to take my throne then I will make you pay with your life.”

Having reached an agreement, I gave the King the necessary funds to continue paying his soldiers and provide some cushion for the treasury in hard time.  From my understanding King McCormick never regretted his decision to make me a Lord. His reign in the Myth Wood was one of strength and justice. I was smart enough not to disobey his laws, directly.

Having accomplished my goal and found myself with the newly established title of Lord, I was content to move into Grey Arrow Keep and start to grow my influence throughout the Myth Wood.  

This is the first story about me that spread among the denizens of the Myth Wood. It was twisted into something much more sinister than what actually took place. However, I was not quick to correct anyone as it gave the impression that I was able to manipulate the King to my own means. I feel comfortable sharing this information now because we have a new King and I have proven myself to be valuable to him as well. Currently, I am the Steward of King’s Rest in his absence and that is as close to being King as I would like to be.

You can find me in the Wood if you care to hear more of the tales of my adventures in this realm. If persuaded with the right ale or fine wine, I may even tell you about the first interactions with the daemons that resulted in giving them domain over the Graveyard. Or even the tale of my unwitting release of the Ordin into our realm. Until we meet again.  

Forever Watching
Lord Riven, Shadow Stalker
Steward of King’s Rest

2019 Events

No upcoming events

Reflections of Riven

It has always been a habit of mine to reflect on my life every so often to help myself realize where I have been and where I want to go. It has been many years since I have done this but I believe now is as good a time as any. I sit in my office in King’s Rest going over countless shipping orders, trade and personal disputes, requests for help or forgiveness from the people of King’s Rest, and any number of other odd documents to sign or approve. This work is frustrating. The King has been out “hunting” for many years now and while he did leave the kingdom in the capable hands of the Jarls and myself, I am coming to resent the life he has given me. I am compensated well by the people of King’s Rest and have grown used to a soft bed and a warm hearth to sit by each night. I no longer scavenge for food or need to steal for my next meal. But I feel that some part of my spirit has dwindled during this time. The spark of Riven has grown dimmer with time and the duties of my post. It seems that the days of running in the Woods, free of care or responsibility are over for this Brigand turned Ranger, now Steward.

Let it be known that I am not looking fondly on the days that the Daemon Lord wreaked havoc in the Myth Wood, or that tragic time when my body was stolen from me and the Game of Keeps divided the Wood. But at least I was able to feel alive. Not knowing who was with me or against me. Having seemingly omnipotent Gods controlling my former friends and enemies in a conflict that looked to have no end.

No, I do not wish to return to those times. I am forever grateful to Rokai for doing his best to secure the freedom of the people of the Myth Wood. But I do long for adventure and the thrill of victory. There is no call to action for me to rally behind. My anger toward the Game of Keeps has faded and I am left with a hole in my soul where it once helped me move forward. I cannot forget the time when I was lost and not in control of my own body, it haunts me to this day. Without that anger to fuel me, I am not sure how long I am destined to remain in the Myth Wood.

I am reminded of my youth and my training in the Art of Misdirection by Silvertongue. She was a master of the craft at a level that I will never be able to attain. Those are the days to which I wish I could return. I had nothing, no allies, no enemies, no money, and no goals beyond surviving another day and learning how to use my Voice as a weapon. There are times when these skills have given me great trouble and now the people of the Myth Wood read into every word I say and assume a double meaning or a secret scheme is always behind what I tell them. I wish people realized that I do not have a thousand plots in motion and am not covering lies with more lies to mask the truth of my intent.

Sadly, I know even this letter will be considered “another of Riven’s schemes to confuse the people” but I have come to accept that. Not every situation can be handled correctly with steel and sorcery. Some situations require a more subtle touch. The adventure that comes to mind first involves the First King of the Myth Wood, Dirk McCormick, and how I was given the title of Lord.

Many have heard the tale that I kidnapped our first King and forced him into giving me a title in exchange for his life. This may be how it seemed to outsiders but the true interaction between the King and I was not as one-sided as this leads people to believe. But that is a story for another time… For now I must return to my endless paperwork and squabbles between the citizens of King’s Rest.

Like all denizens of the Wood I felt the stirring of these new Gods, but they seem of no threat to us at this time and may even be the forces that allow us to continue our existence here. For now I am bound by duty to continue at my post until the King returns or I thrust a quill into my brain from frustration and hopelessness. However, I fear that Eir would frown upon this course of action so I will carry on in hopes of finding a new purpose beyond being the Steward of King’s Rest.

Forever Watching,
Lord Riven, Shadow Stalker
Steward of King’s Rest


After the Void

 Lord Riven, Shadow Stalker – After the Void

            I was trapped; whispers in the Wood told me that I would bring Peace to the Myth Wood by sanctifying the Battle Arena. Instead my soul was thrust into another Plane and my body was taken from me.  It was forced to do the bidding of an extremely power hungry entity. My original goals were always for the advancement of the Myth Wood, even if my methods were questionable.  I see now that I was just a pawn and that the Myth Wood will never be free to do as it wants as long as these Gods are allowed to use us.  During this time beyond the Wood, screaming like a frenzied rabbit trying to escape the wolf that it knows is always following, I had time to reflect. Reflect on what I had tried to do and to plan what would need to be done. Continue reading After the Void