Rokai’s Welcome to the Wood

Welcome to the Wood

As I awoke from what seemed to be an eternal slumber, I had no idea where I was or what happened to me before I woke. All I had was my sword, armor and a small amount of money in my pouch. Was I dead? Is this the afterlife? A dream maybe? So many questions, but  no one to answer them. I figured I should probably find out where I am first and answer my questions later.

I got up and walked around a bit and eventually found myself at a gate. A gate that seemed to lead into some woods that I have never seen before. Almost immediately after I heard a voice, a woman’s voice, “Go…” I looked around to find out where it was coming from, but to no avail. I heard it again, “Go… Go through the gates and you’ll find what you’re searching for.” I looked back at the gates and without hesitation, walked straight through.

I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but so far nothing bad has happened. Two paths were presented to me and I didn’t know where either of them led to. I chose one and after a while before I knew it, I heard voices again, but this time I could tell which direction it was coming from. I followed them as best I could and eventually found myself in a town where people were gathered around what seemed to be a stage. A large man stood over another man kneeling down. The large man was wielding a golden axe. A public execution was about to take place, and it seemed like it was just beginning. I didn’t pay too much attention to what the axe wielder was saying because I was too busy observing the man kneeling down. He bore a shield crest on his armor, and I could only then assume he was a knight or a paladin of sorts. What did a man of nobility do to deserve a public execution? Just more questions I had no way of answering.

Once the execution was over, I looked for a place to just sit and think about what was going on and seeing if there was anyone worth talking to to get information. Luckily enough, someone came up to me instead. Soon as he reached me, he asked, “Are you a mercenary?” I guess my rugged look does make me look the part.

“I guess I am.” I replied

“Good. My name is Elric, and I’m looking for someone to follow me and help me fight should I ever need some backup. How does… 200 Dirks sound?”

Dirks must’ve been what the currency was called. 200 sounded like a lot as well, and I was in now shape to turn down such a generous offer. I also thought that if he has that much money to spend, then he must be an important person.

“200 Dirks sounds like a fair deal.”

“Very good. Come with me then and DON’T stab me in the back. That happens a lot around these parts.” I had no idea what he meant by that, but I just agreed and followed closely behind.

From this point on, I decided to just stay as a mercenary. An easy way to make money and I get to explore these woods a lot more. I still had so many questions, but the only thing I could do is just hope that I run into the answers themselves along the way.

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