My Lady Tirza

My Lady Tirza,
I pray this finds you well, and that negotiations with the Dark Cloud and Wei Tang Marauder clans have gone as planned. I advise caution when dealing with the Brethren of the Southern Isles. Their leader, Captain Gweir is a wily man, and will seize upon any opportunity he is given. Once a deal is struck, however, he is a loyal ally. My brother has ever been so, since we were small children. When his loyalty has been earned, he will be a strong voice for you in the Council of the Seas, which has governed pirates for longer than anyone can remember. Uniting them with the brigand clans and the Thieves Guild is no small task, but if anyone can do it, it is you. 
Much has happened, in your absence. The War of the Skulls, as it has come to be known, is finally over. I feel as though some great weight has been lifted from my mind. Things seem somehow clearer, and yet, with these new revelations come more questions, more uncertainty. Who are these powers, what are their purposes, intentions? Have we traded one set of puppet masters for another?
With the war over, the Crown has awarded keeps to various people who had a hand in ending the war. Hammershold has been given to me in your stead. Heroes, some call them. Instigators, say others. For my part, I know not what to think. With the outside threat seemingly gone, the eyes of the Crown turn inward. Security details roam about the wood. Questions are asked. If the right answers are not given, one may find himself on the wrong side of a prison door. The king may try to enforce laws and uphold justice, but many of his soldiers are easily swayed by money and their newfound power. It’s becoming more difficult for a brigand to make a dishonest living nowadays. Maybe it’s time to find a new path in this world. Perhaps a more respectable career will give me a new focus. But what to do? Perhaps I will speak to the blacksmith. He may have an apprenticeship for me. There is something about the ring of hammer against steel that is almost, musical in nature, I have found. But can a leopard really change his spots? Can the life that my brother and sisters and I were born into be so easily cast aside? Can a mere title such as Lord of Hammershold turn one into a respectable man? Or is this just another cover, a smokescreen out of which to operate? We shall see.
If time and duty allow, I may come to visit you at Darnath, on the southern coast for a time. Until then, may your path be safe and your purse be full!
Llew Silverhand
Leader of the Flying Dagger Clan
Lord of Hammershold

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