Category Archives: Updates

May Stats and Levels

Almost there!   Just a couple more days, and I finally have the stats from May ready to go.   The ties in Rank mean that everyone there all got the exact same number of kills. Everyone on the other list leveled up and their new level is listed. Congrats!

We walked through the woods and things are drying up but it’s still pretty muddy and some roads are completely blocked with water.   Bring shoes that you don’t mind getting muddy.  Bug spray, sunscreen, water, and food to share for lunch.   Once again remember a Belt!

See you Saturday.

 Here is a link to this weekends event, on June 23: Second LARP of 2018

Season 6 Stories

Rules Update

Happy Monday everyone, just a reminder that this weekend is our next big event.   There have been some changes to the Handbook, Blighted Handbook, and Book of Magic that you should take a look at before Saturday.   All new changes are highlighted in red.   Let us know if you have any questions.  Don’t forget to check out the stories listed below, many of them have hints as to what is going on this year.


Blighted Handbook

Book of Magic



 Here is a link to this weekends event, on June 23: Second LARP of 2018

Season 6 Stories

May Photos and Map Update

2018 – May Event


We are slowly pulling together things from last Saturday’s event.  

First, a big thanks to Kieran (Tanner) and Tilbury(Nick) for taking pictures for us.  

Second, our political map had some major revisions after the end of the day.  Better start making some plans if you want your lands back!



Start of Year Update & Wear a Belt

The First Myth Wood L.A.R.P event of 2018 is quickly approaching.   The Roads and Bridges crew have been busy with yearly maintenance and updating our Myth Wood Map.  A couple new projects have been started and the cobwebs that appeared over the winter months have been cleaned up.  Brother Arcadia spent some time making some changes to our Handbook  and book of Magic.

Last year we introduce the Armor Point/Magic counters, this year we have new belt pouches!   What this means is that EVERYBODY NEEDS A BELT or Bandolier!  Just so everyone understands, we are updating the garb requirements to state that everyone needs a belt or some way of wearing both the Armor Point counter and the Belt Pouch.   We will no longer use carabiners to carry the pouches.  We cannot provide everyone with a belt so you must bring your own.

Also, here are a few stories to read to get a glimpse into what the skulls have been up to:

 Ordo and Abyssal and Lady Myth

Reminder, our next event is May 19th.  Here is a link to our Facebook event.

April 2017 Tournament Rankings

The rankings for the April Tournament are complete and you can view them here on our Rankings page.  Congrats to the following characters who leveled up.  I hope to see everyone this weekend at our next event.  When you come bring the token you received at the feast, it could come in handy.  Don’t forget to read the latest story as the information in it sets up the storyline for this season, The Realm’s Rover.

  • Vigo/Victus Blackheart (8)
  • Balin Grumpkinsbane (7)
  • Riddick (6)
  • XanXus (4)
  • Rocky (4)
  • Aquilan (4)
  • Khaos (3)
  • Darkness (3)
  • Everand Sackville Baggins (2)
  • Drubert ShieldBreaker (2)
  • Barlo BoulderCrusher (2)

Updates to the Website

Yesterday was a fantastic Feast day!   It was great to see everyone and get a chance to talk through the end of last season and the beginning of the next. Now that we have reviewed the handbook and new magic rules with everyone we are posting them. I have moved things around a bit, renaming “Histories” to now be the “Archives”.  Enjoy and let me know if you have any problems.

October 2016 Recap

Well everyone, once again a wonderful season of comes to an end in the Myth Wood. Thank you to everyone who made our final l.a.r.p. of 2016 so much fun.

To recap the day: The skulls of Order, Chaos, and Balance took control of the bodies of their holders. They also took complete control of everyone who held a piece to a game of keeps. They then split them up and had the Blue team go to High Guard, the Red team go to Hammer’s Hold, and the Green Team went to Gray Arrow Keep. From there, the three teams began hunting and killing the other teams in hopes of capturing the other teams Keep Piece. The Skulls themselves took up residency in the places of power in the Myth Wood. Ordo of the Blue Skull went to the Arena of Valor. Abyssal of the Red Skull went to the Graveyard of the Fallen. Myth of the Green Skull made herself at home at the Lady’s Tree. Continue reading October 2016 Recap

Winter 2016 Feast and Tournament

Many of us gathered together last Saturday for our annual tournament.   There were 15 people participating in the tournaments and about the same number of kids and spectators who showed up.

There were two tournaments throughout the day.  The first, and largest, was the one to determine who would wield FarinGar this year.   The tournament was a new style where each participant fought everyone else using the exact same weapons and each starting the fight with 3 lives.   We discovered that while we really like this style of tournament it makes for a long day, almost 5 hours of constant one-on-one battles.   In the end 89 battles were fought and after determining that the weapons weren’t going to hold up through every single fight we ended up skipping 16 battles that were unnecessary for determining the final victors.  Each participant fought in at least 8 battles.  This tournament was great because it offered a chance for people to fight in battles that they may have never fought with weapons they had never used before. Continue reading Winter 2016 Feast and Tournament

September 2015 Results

DSC00629Here are the rankings for the September 2015 event.  It was a great day and the stats show it!  The following characters leveled up:  Aurora (Bri), Balin Grumpkinsbane (Adam), Calinos (Steve), Erik Matrius (Mark O), Gadaren (Joey), Llew Silverhand (James), Mara/Marta (Amy), Rakiil (Dylan), Rawl (Jessica), Riddick (Brent), Samheim (Mark S. ), Sekhet (Danyel), and Sildiania (Lauren Tracy)

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