“I like to believe the Myth Wood has a little something for everyone. Of course the options are not always apparent.”
~ Agamemnon to Grimner, shortly after his arrival in the Myth Wood.
One of the most important things for any L.A.R.Per is character development. Building the character’s personality and making your character stronger while having a great time is the whole point. A big part of that is gaining the experience needed to level up. Each level opens new skills for your character and allows the character to embrace its class more deeply. To level in the Myth Wood you need experience points. The fastest way to get those is through a high kill count. However, not all of us are psychopathic serial killers.
So the next best is side-quests. A side-quest is anything that happens in the Myth Wood that has a story but is not directly connected to the main Scenario of the day. They can be as simple as getting something for a merchant or escorting a merchant to a given destination. They can be as complicated as finding several pieces to a puzzle or riddle whose solution opens a new story arc. The experience rewarded for completing a simple side-quest is often, but not always, worth the same as a single kill. Whereas, the more complicated side-quests may be equal to several kills. Continue reading On the need for Side Quests →