Hey there is a new story out there Will of the Wood. Check it out if you want a few hints as to what is coming up this weekend 🙂
Spring is Here: New Handbook Version 4.5
With the warm weather of spring comes the itch to get outdoors and beat each other with weapons! LARP season is almost upon us again. The Scribes of the Myth Wood have been busy updating the handbook with clarified rules, new item descriptions, and even a new player class! Here is the link to the new version of the handbook. Pay special attention to the items scribed in red ink, they are the things that are new and updated. There even may be a few hints as to what to look forward to on the 16th.
Click Here for the Handbook v4.5
2015 Schedule (Tentative)
Happy spring everyone!
We have looked at the summer and chosen some tentative dates. These dates are subject to change but are on our calendars right now. See you there.
- April 11 (sparring and planning only)
- May 16
- June 27
- August 8
- September 19
Mage Class
With the most recent updates to the handbook we have added 3 new classes.
The Mage is the base class that anyone can start out with. At the next event we will allow anyone interested in switching to change to the Mage class. They will not get to keep any old skills but will retain all experience points. If you are interested let us know so that we can plan ahead.
Handbook Update: v4.0
The handbook has been updated again. There are far too many changes to list out here. The biggest one is that the Mage, Wizard, and Sorcerer classes have been added.
Current Character Levels after August 2014 game
Quick update. I took a few minutes and made a new file with a list of all characters and their current levels. Everyone who has a class in Red earned enough experience after the August 2014 event to go up a level. We had a record 12 characters all go up in levels on the same day.
Click here to open the file. I have also linked to it from the Rankings page.
August 2014 Event Rankings
I finally have the Rankings page updated. You can all stop sending me mental questions on where the final stats are, the psychic energy has been quite draining. I see a new trend at the top of the leader board. Someone should step up and try to stop it before it gets too far out of hand.
Handbook Update: v3.5
The handbook has been updated again. The most recent changes are in red text. Here is a summary:
- Added Titles and their Abilities
- Fixed Fire Arrow and Fire Arrows description
- Added Dulled weapons
- Added Enflame
- Added Demon Weapon
Also, don’t forget to check out the new classes if you didn’t with the last update.
The Quest: A LARP Reality Show
This Thursday night a new reality television show will begin called “The Quest”. Its a “Fantasy Reality” show, which is a fancy marketing way to say LARPing, without using the word LARP. If you are looking for something fun to watch you should check it out. Here is the trailer that was posted to YouTube, could be fun research for this weekend, and here is a link to the LARPing.org post about the show.
History: After the King, Part 1
The next installment of the Histories of the Myth Wood is now posted for your enjoyment. This story covers the first Scenario during the Spring 2014 Event.
Click Here to Read: After the King, Part 1
The 15 Rules of LARP
The following 15 rules were written some years ago in Great Britain, and have been pretty much generally accepted on the British larp scene. I got this copy from the Diary of a Croatian larper and thought you may find them fun to read. Enjoy!!
1. Don’t play a mighty warrior; play a warrior and be mighty.
Don’t label your character. As soon as you say that you are the best swordsman in the land someone will come along and kick your ass. Just get into the mindset of the person and role-play it out.
2. No one cares about your character background.
Really. Don’t tell me about your character and how great he is. It gets boring after the first 50 people or so have told you the same thing. The character is important to you, let that be enough. Continue reading The 15 Rules of LARP
On the need for Side Quests
“I like to believe the Myth Wood has a little something for everyone. Of course the options are not always apparent.”
~ Agamemnon to Grimner, shortly after his arrival in the Myth Wood.
One of the most important things for any L.A.R.Per is character development. Building the character’s personality and making your character stronger while having a great time is the whole point. A big part of that is gaining the experience needed to level up. Each level opens new skills for your character and allows the character to embrace its class more deeply. To level in the Myth Wood you need experience points. The fastest way to get those is through a high kill count. However, not all of us are psychopathic serial killers.
So the next best is side-quests. A side-quest is anything that happens in the Myth Wood that has a story but is not directly connected to the main Scenario of the day. They can be as simple as getting something for a merchant or escorting a merchant to a given destination. They can be as complicated as finding several pieces to a puzzle or riddle whose solution opens a new story arc. The experience rewarded for completing a simple side-quest is often, but not always, worth the same as a single kill. Whereas, the more complicated side-quests may be equal to several kills. Continue reading On the need for Side Quests
June 2014 Event Photos
The Photos are up! Special thanks to Ms. Marla Kraken, our Blacksmith for the day, for documenting these moments for the Myth Wood historical society.
We have many children at these events and in the photos, for this reason all photos are only accessible when you are logged in. Out of respect to the children and their parents please do not use any of the photos on this site that have children in them without contacting their parents first. For that matter, out of respect for your fellow Myth Wood denizens please check with them to make sure that they are ok with you using a photo they are in.
Mid Summer LARP – August 2, 2014
Will the Keys to the mysterious magic book be found? Will the book be unlocked? Will the Demon Army be destroyed, or will darkness rule the Myth Wood? These and so many other questions wait to be answered by those brave enough to join us for the Mid-Summer Myth Wood L.A.R.P.
We will provide hot dogs, burgers, and water. Games for the kids who are not quit old enough for the L.A.R.P. will be available, as well as a few Argo rides.
Look forward to seeing you all then.
Click Here for the Facebook Event
Next Event February 8th
The next event for the Myth Wood LARP will be on February 8th at the Pine City Armory. Mark your calendars.
Next Event Nov 16th
Our next LARP event will be November 16th assuming the weather holds.
Welcome to the Myth Wood news section. We will be posting interesting facts and dates on here.