Roots run deep in the Myth Wood

by: Papi (Ramon Ortiz)

The storm passed and the New Townland citizens were still struggling to claim land far into the monster’s territory. With the strongest caster Tyrrin headed to the Black Tower, and the others waiting on Knute’s return from his Blacksmithing quest, the defenders of New Townsland grew concerned that the town was left undefended.  

There was just a small barracks of defenders to guard New Townland.  They had held off attacks against the monsters before, but at what cost? Shelter and supplies grew short, and the battle groups were stretched out thin. 

A young mage surveyed the land, looking to gain a better position for the town’s light defenses. Taking watch with an archer named Ciara, he discussed plans to create an improvised wall to slow the monster’s advancement. They gathered the town defenders and began construction on a rope wall across the main entrance to the town. As primitive as it seemed, it was a simple solution to help aid them with their dwindling numbers. 

Ciara noticed, in the distance, a pack of monsters approaching the gate; everyone gathered for the assault on New Townland. The archer knocked her arrow and, with clarity and finesse, aimed for the lead monster and fired! The projectile landed a killing blow, driving the beast to the ground, lifeless. The victory was still far off  as the wall came under siege by the remaining foes; Mages from New Townland began casting spells of fire and magic, creating a barrier of spells to protect  one another. The battle raged fiercely, but as the monster’s front-line dwindled the larger, more powerful monsters stepped forward in their place. Defenders struggled against the growing onslaught, falling back to safety as a few stayed at the front to keep the hoard distracted while the rest escaped.

“Fall back!” The command echoed across the battlefield as a fresh beast charged over bodies of the fallen into New Townland to shatter the wall and get into the town. . “Papi, fall back!” The command was coming from Orellius, who had just struck down another creature pressing through the front line. 

As a monster advanced on Papi. He lifted his large hammer over his head while casting a spell of protection around himself.  Knowing he could not defeat the beast on his own, Papi began to fall back.  Papi made it to the fleeing caravan striking down evil creatures along the way. 

The Monster’s eyes roamed the town looking for other dangers.  With no one to stop him the beast made it’s way to the town’s protective Shield, taking it for his own. 

Now that the shield was lost Papi knew he must safeguard the caravan at all cost. There was nothing left to do but wait for the fire and smoke to clear. 

As the sun rose to the peak of the midday sky, the defenders regrouped and returned to the town.  The monsters had all cleared out and returned, with the shield, to their lair. Papi dropped to the ground in disgust, emotions riding on the line of anger and depression seeing his new home raided. The battle was over, and the town was lost, but there was a glimpse of hope.  Their strongest mage, Tyrrin, was still out there heading to the Black Tower, and Knute had returned with reinforcements and information. Not all was lost for the defenders of New Townsland. The battle was lost, but they would work together to secure a victory and enable the safety of the leadership of New Townland, elsewhere in the land.

Papi was becoming more and more familiar with the tragedy of combat and war but understood that if he had stayed behind during the onslaught he would have died on the field, which was not his destiny. He looked at the hammer he had wielded in combat, dry blood smeared across each end; Papi whispered the words, “Misery, your name is Misery,”. He spoke sadly to his weapon, now baptized in combat, and bathed in the blood of fallen monsters. The Six Higher Powers of Myth’ Gar blessed a mage sworn to magic and a hammer forged for war that day. Papi and his hammer understood  that nothing but death and suffering would follow them. 

After that day, Papi made his  home in New Townland, rebuilding the walls that were once protection for them and learning to improve his magic to help defend himself and others when the beasts return. Papi leads his life primarily alone and he turns to no one,  but Misery enjoys company and she chooses Papi to share that with. The best gift a hammer can give to a lonely mage that wants peace, but is prepared to fight a war to obtain it.

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