2017 Planning

Happy New Year from the Myth Wood. I hope 2017 is a good year for all the denizens of the Wood. To aid in that endeavor, we have tentative dates for all the 2017 Myth Wood L.A.R.P. events. Please, if any of these dates do not work for you let me know as soon as possible. I have a little wiggle room. My goal is to get as many of us together as possible.

1. March 25th will be our Feast, we will discuss all things Myth Wood, name the new nobility and eat delicious food.
2. May 6th, for the Tournament, it will be held in the Myth Wood and will have more story elements than in previous years.
3. June 17th, the First full L.A.R.P. of the 2017 season.
4. July 22nd, the second L.A.R.P.
5. September 9th, the third L.A.R.P.
6. Oct 14th, final L.A.R.P. of the season.

Also of note this year, story wise, there will be a 10 year gap from the end of last season and the beginning of this one. The Myth Wood will have enjoyed 10 years of relative peace. Feel free to let me know what your characters have been up to in that 10 year window.

We are looking forward to seeing what fun and mischief this season in the Myth Wood will bring.