Greetings and Gravestones
Greetings from the Myth Wood,
I just wanted to take a minute and touch base with everyone. We are approaching the start of the 2021 L.A.R.P. season. This year is a little different than others, the storyline has moved forward in time and a new character leveling system is being utilized.
What that means for all of you is that this year is a great year to come out and L.A.R.P.!
Everyone will be required to make new characters. So for anyone who has been on the fence about coming out because they did not know where to start, now is the time because we are all at the beginning. Basically if you have ever wanted to try out L.A.R.P., this is the best possible time to come and join us in the Myth Wood.
Over the last 9 year we have had amazing characters that we will be saying goodbye to, I wanted to do something special to honor those characters. I have set up a new and bigger graveyard in the Myth Wood, Einherjar’s Rest. So anyone who would like to build a headstone for their past characters, to be placed in Einherjar’s Rest, is welcome to do so. As an incentive, the former council of Jarls (as their last act as Jarls) will judge the best headstones and the winners will receive prizes. To be eligible you will need to have the headstone in the Myth Wood by May 15th.
The Build day is right around the corner, March 27th. This is a great opportunity for people to come see how we build our gear, and try some out. Over the years I think most of the questions I receive from people who are new to L.A.R.P. tend to be weapons related, or garb related. The Build Day event is the perfect time to get those questions answered in person from people who build or make this stuff all the time. It is also a great time to talk about your character and meet and greet the other players without being in character.
I am looking forward to an amazing L.A.R.P. 2021 Season!
The Song of Winter
In the Myth Wood there are many magical weapons. Most are ancient relics from the Wood’s long history. But a few are newer additions. Llew’s Spear for one. Another one is a beautifully crafted blue and gold sword that has been known to freeze character in place. So now I must ask, have you ever wondered where Jarl Faolin’s sword came from? Wonder no longer, here is the story that will explain it all,… mostly…. Enjoy!
2021 Season Schedule and Build Day Event
Build Day
Facebook Event Link
2021 Schedule
2021 Handbook
Greetings everyone from the Myth Wood,
This year’s Handbook is now ready and available on our website, The making of this handbook has been a group effort from the very beginning, so I would like to take a minute and thank those who helped me with the writing of it. Always first and foremost Amy Patterson, Conor and Owen Ableman without their help and support there would be no Myth Wood. Next up is Mark Steffan, it was our conversation in July that started the reboot, and his feedback that created the finished product. At this point I had a small but dedicated group of individuals who read, re-read, and even had it read to them, then gave me feedback to clean up my word vomit I called a handbook. In no special order; Brent and Danyel Pick, DeWayne Cameron, Cameron Pelkey, Bobby Milliman, Scott Milliman, James and Micah Burton, Steven Foster, Jeremy Cox, and Joey Janowski. Thank you guys for all your hard work.
Edward Ableman
Welcome 2021 Season
Welcome to the Myth Wood 2021 L.A.R.P. season. Many of you already know, but for those that do not, this year will see some large storyline changes.
With the conclusion of last year’s larp, the plague is gone. What happens next is somewhat of a mystery. Sometime after the events of 18 F.K. the Einherjar become mortals again. An unknown time after becoming mortal the people of the Myth Wood are forced into a mass exodus.
The people flee to the purgatorys of the Einherjar. Eir’s Garden in Valhalla, D’Eir’s Garden in Helheim, and F’Eir’s Stone Ship in Folkvangr. These groups start settlements with very little communication between each other, except by way of the Church of the Six.
Now events have transpired that have opened the gates into the Myth Wood at two of the settlements, and the long lost people of the Myth Wood find they may finally get to return to their Realm.
With all this stated, I think no one will be surprised that all players will need to start new characters for this year. This year’s Handbook will also feature a new character progression system in the form of Character Points and aSkill Tree. If all goes well, this year’s Handbook will be ready for everyone on February 21st.
The following dates are not locked in stone yet. If enough people are not able to make a date we will do our best to change it. That being, said if no negative feedback is given by February 21st we will lock the dates in.
- March 27th, Tournament and Feast.
- May 15th, First L.A.R.P.
- June 19th, Second L.A.R.P.
- August 7th, Third L.A.R.P.
- September 18th, 4th and final L.A.R.P. of 2021.
I look forward to seeing everyone in the Woods.
Coming soon….
Ryn: Peace Never Lasts
After the last plague pool receded, Ryn hoped there might finally be peace in the Myth Wood. He sat back in his keep, and pondered what catastrophe might befall the woods next, because peace never seemed to last. He also reflected upon his journeys through the woods that led him to where he ended up at this moment.
Werewolves, trolls, wars for power, toxic asteroids, all of these things had changed him, but if it was for better or worse, he wasn’t sure. One thing was certain though, he never thought he would have risen to be a Jarl, or to have such powerful allies at his side. He thought back to when he was just a Brigand, and the shenanigans he got into, and laughed. “I was foolish back then,” he mused, “but it seems that The Six still found a use for me.”
He unconsciously unlocked the gold lock, the jailer’s keys never leaving the peg on the wall, and strolled down the hall of the jail, empty in this peaceful time. He recalled some of the people who had visited these cells, from lowly thieves, to powerful fighters, and a Devil too, whose axe didn’t quite fit in the weapons rack. Whoever thought putting him in here was a good idea was sadly mistaken, as was evident by the lingering scorch marks around that particular cell.
He made his way back out of the jail, and decided to take a stroll through the woods, believing some fresh air would be a good idea after the damp air of the jail. As he left, he waved over to Tilbury, still busy at his shop, The Rusty Cauldron. He headed off to Hammer’s Hold, to visit with Jarl Faolin, and see how the Hold had fared since it hadn’t been able to be accessed with the plague pool engulfing it.
Ryn heard the ringing of the blacksmith’s hammer as he approached, and saw Arthur back at his old forge, thankfully unharmed by the plague. The bar of metal he was working was still rough in shape, so Ryn couldn’t quite tell what the craftsman was making, but whether blade or bauble, he was sure it would be a quality piece. He waved to Arthur as he headed towards the gate. Almost to the gate, Ryn heard a friendly shout from the keep, and found Gadaren polishing Magh Swer, although the sword gleamed brightly already. Just by the way he greeted Ryn, it was apparent that Gadaren was happy to be home again. “Is Faolin around?” Ryn asked, knowing his ally would likely be inside his keep after being forced out by the vile pools of plague. Continue reading Ryn: Peace Never Lasts
October 2020 Stats
Our 2020 event was a great day. There were 21 people who attended. Total there were 139 kills for a total of 58,150 experience points. Congrats to our Gnomes who were able to jump up 2 levels in a single day.
Here is a link to our photo album for the day. Please add any additional photos that you may have from the day.
Thanks again to everyone who attended, we are already starting to look forward to next year.
October 2020 Recap

Llew’s Journal 2.2

September 2019 Photos.
Recently we started to look ahead to our October event and realized that we never posted our photos from last years September event. If you have any additional ones please feel free to add them to this album. Fun times were had, we are looking forward to great times to come.
Llew’s journal 2.1

The continued adventures of Llew Silverhand

2020 Plans Interrupted
With great reluctance I have come to the realization that the problems of the real world are determined to interrupt our plans for our world of make believe. I.E. the Myth Wood.
My place of employment has determined that I am an essential worker. What that means for me is that I will need to be in Alaska for the spring and better part of the summer. What that means for the Myth Wood is that I must cancel the April Tournament, as well as the June and July events. If all goes well I will return to Minnesota sometime in late July. Amy and I will then see if the schedule I have at that time will allow for l.a.r.p.s.
I am very disappointed and frustrated that this is happening. However, I am thankful that I have my job. In time all will return to normal, and when it does the Myth Wood will be ready to go.
While the l.a.r.p. is on hiatus, I encourage everyone to work on stories about their characters, work on weapons or garb they would like to have, and in general continue to enjoy the escapism that the Myth Wood provides us.
2020 Feast Rescheduled
To start with I would like to thank everyone who responded to our Facebook poll, or chose to contact us directly. Receiving your thoughts and concerns on these issues help make my decision easier.
The threat of contracting COVID-19 at our get together is small and unlikely. The real issue is individuals level of desire to go out and possibly expose themselves to illness. With our ability to combine the Feast and the Tournament into one gathering, we will be able to minimize this issue. This also lets us move the timeframe to April, which is later in the flu season and not as likely of a concern.
With all that said I am postponing the Myth Wood Feast that was scheduled for the 21st of March, and combining it with the Tournament that is scheduled for April 25th.
I am sorry for the lateness of the change and I hope this does not affect peoples schedule too much. I look forward to seeing everyone on April 25th at the Pine City Armory.
The Myth Wood Creare Pre de”Mene
Just a reminder to all that we will be hosting the first ever Makers Competition at the Feast on March 21st. The Competition will be an event where Denizens of the Myth Wood create items that they will then enter into a competition. Participants may enter up t to 3 entries each, each entry will be voted on by the Feasters. At the end of the event $25, $50, and $100 gift cards will be awarded to the winners. All the submissions will then turn into door prizes and be gifted to guests (attendance required to win). Please let us know if you will be entering items or if you have any questions about what a valid entry is.
2020 Feast, Handbook, and Character Class book
.The 2020 season is starting to ramp up.
We have the Feast & Awards Ceremony on March 21st. Let us know if you can attend.
As a reminder we will have a crafting competition at the Feast. If you are planning an entry in the competition please let us know. We will be making a list of who will be participating.
The 2020 Myth Wood Handbook and Character Class Handbook have been updated for the new season! Please take a look and let us know if you have any questions. We will be reviewing the handbooks at the Feast as usual. See you on March 21st!
2020 Myth Wood Event Schedule
Happy New Year to all the people of the Myth Wood. We have come up with the dates for the Myth Wood 2020 L.A.R.P. schedule. We look forward to seeing everyone this year and continuing the story of our land of make believe. Best wishes to everyone for 2020.
- March 21st – Feast
- April 25th – Tournament
- June 13th – 1st Outdoor
- July 25th – 2nd Outdoor
- August 29th – 3rd Outdoor
- October 10th – 4th Outdoor
Happy Holidays, 2020 Feast
A heartfelt Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Seasons greetings to all the wonderful members of the Myth Wood. May your time be filled with family and love. As the year winds to a close we begin our planning for the new year. The first event in our Myth Wood year will be the Feast and Awards ceremony on March 21st. Part of the ceremony will be a Crafting Competition.
Rules to the Crafting Competition
Each person can enter up to 3 items into the competition. Each item must be something that the person has created themselves. Items entered must be something the creator is willing to part with, as they will become door prizes for people who attend the feast. Feast attendees will vote for the winners. Prizes will be a gift card: $100 – 1st place, $50 – 2nd place, and $25 – 3rd place.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone again soon! Happy Holidays to all our LARP friends.