2021 Awards Ceremony Results

It has been a few years now since we have been able to have a Feast and Awards gathering. It was a pleasure to finally be able to do it again. We were fortunate enough to have a wonderful sunny day, so our younger participants and Cam could run around on the playground when the rest of us were talking shop and doing the dull stuff.  A big thank you to everyone who made it out last year.  Everyone’s participation is what makes this possible. Our first event is May 21st, I look forward to seeing everyone in the Wood.

Photo Album



  1. Questing Award, went to Ciara (Aubre Suttle)
  2. Most likely not to die, Zander Quillsweilder (Owen Ableman)
  3. Most likely to die, Michael Mouserider (Conor Ableman)
  4. Rookie of the year,  Hrafngeirr (Alexander Garber)
  5. NPC of the Year, Niko (Tanner Madison)
  6. Most Experienced, Visuvious (Bobby Milliman)
  7. Death Bringer, Azreal (Cameron Pelkey)
  8. Most Epic Death, Draelich for Gargoyle Twitch (Mikhayl Turnock)
  9. Most Valuable Character, Tyrrin (Jeremy Hirsch)

Fun filled Facts

  1. Total Deaths in the 2021 season: 412
  2. Total Number of Characters in the Woods for 2021: 61
  3. Total Myth Points earned for the 2021 season: 52350
  4. Total Levels gained for all character in the 2021 season: 35
  5. All attended every scenario this year!Alexander, Aubre, Jeremy, Owen, Conor, Bobby, Lucky, Joey, and Nick.
  6. Total number of new players for the 2021 season: 15
  7. Total number or player characters under the age of 18: 15

Vala’s Ale Bread

Vala's Ale Bread

  • Servings: 20
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Rating: ★★★★★
  • Print

A delicious quick bread that is a great way to use up some extra beverages.

In her many travels, Vala discovered many flavors of Ale, Lager, and Stouts that she enjoyed, as well as many that she didn’t. Through much experimentation she learned that taking the ones with a lot of flavor in them and mixing it into her bread was a recipe for deliciousness. After many requests she has chosen to share the recipe here for all to enjoy.


    Dry Ingredients
  • 3 Cups Flour
  • 1 Tbsp Baking Powder
  • 2 Tbsp sugar
  • Wet Ingredients
  • 12oz Ale,Lager, or Stouts of any flavor, remember that the more flavorful the beverage, the more flavorful the bread
  • 2 Tbsp Honey
  • Additional
  • 1/2 stick butter, melted
  • Cast iron pan, or large bread pan


  1. Adjust the oven rack to the middle position and preheat the oven to 350°F.
  2. In a medium bowl, whisk together all dry ingredients.
  3. Carefully mix in wet ingredients until all until no flour pockets remain. The dough will be quite wet.
  4. Brush the melted butter over the bottom and sides of the pan until properly greased.
  5. Put the bread dough in the center of the pan and dump the remaining butter on the top and spread evenly.
  6. Bake for 50-60 minutes until the crust is golden brown.
  7. Let cool before slicing.

This recipe is very flexible, you can add additional ingredients to the bread based on the flavor of the Ale. A vanilla cream ale tastes better with an additional bit of vanilla added. A ginger beer tastes amazing with some very finely diced candied ginger added.

Typically I serve it with a Cinnamon Honey Butter: 1 stick of butter melted, add 1 Tbsp of warm honey, and 1 tsp cinnamon. Blend thoroughly and cool overnight to harden.

2022 Myth Wood Feast and Awards Ceremony

With great pleasure, we are happy to announce the 2022 Feast and Awards Ceremony. It has been two years since we have been able to host this event, and we are very pleased to do it again. We will present Awards to characters for 2019 and 2020 together and then present Awards for 2021.

We look forward to seeing all who can attend this year. The feast is a potluck and will be held at the Rock Creek town hall. Doors will open at 9:00 a.m. Meet and greet will run from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.  The 2021 storyline recap will be presented by  Nobu and Vala from 11:30 to 12:30.  We will start the actual feasting at 12:30 p.m. Following the feasting we will have the annual awards ceremony.  Finally, we will review the changes to the Handbooks. We encourage everyone to come dressed as their characters, but it is by no means required.

Roots run deep in the Myth Wood

by: Papi (Ramon Ortiz)

The storm passed and the New Townland citizens were still struggling to claim land far into the monster’s territory. With the strongest caster Tyrrin headed to the Black Tower, and the others waiting on Knute’s return from his Blacksmithing quest, the defenders of New Townsland grew concerned that the town was left undefended.  

There was just a small barracks of defenders to guard New Townland.  They had held off attacks against the monsters before, but at what cost? Shelter and supplies grew short, and the battle groups were stretched out thin. 

A young mage surveyed the land, looking to gain a better position for the town’s light defenses. Taking watch with an archer named Ciara, he discussed plans to create an improvised wall to slow the monster’s advancement. They gathered the town defenders and began construction on a rope wall across the main entrance to the town. As primitive as it seemed, it was a simple solution to help aid them with their dwindling numbers. 

Ciara noticed, in the distance, a pack of monsters approaching the gate; everyone gathered for the assault on New Townland. The archer knocked her arrow and, with clarity and finesse, aimed for the lead monster and fired! The projectile landed a killing blow, driving the beast to the ground, lifeless. The victory was still far off  as the wall came under siege by the remaining foes; Mages from New Townland began casting spells of fire and magic, creating a barrier of spells to protect  one another. The battle raged fiercely, but as the monster’s front-line dwindled the larger, more powerful monsters stepped forward in their place. Defenders struggled against the growing onslaught, falling back to safety as a few stayed at the front to keep the hoard distracted while the rest escaped.

“Fall back!” The command echoed across the battlefield as a fresh beast charged over bodies of the fallen into New Townland to shatter the wall and get into the town. . “Papi, fall back!” The command was coming from Orellius, who had just struck down another creature pressing through the front line. 

As a monster advanced on Papi. He lifted his large hammer over his head while casting a spell of protection around himself.  Knowing he could not defeat the beast on his own, Papi began to fall back.  Papi made it to the fleeing caravan striking down evil creatures along the way. 

The Monster’s eyes roamed the town looking for other dangers.  With no one to stop him the beast made it’s way to the town’s protective Shield, taking it for his own. 

Now that the shield was lost Papi knew he must safeguard the caravan at all cost. There was nothing left to do but wait for the fire and smoke to clear. 

As the sun rose to the peak of the midday sky, the defenders regrouped and returned to the town.  The monsters had all cleared out and returned, with the shield, to their lair. Papi dropped to the ground in disgust, emotions riding on the line of anger and depression seeing his new home raided. The battle was over, and the town was lost, but there was a glimpse of hope.  Their strongest mage, Tyrrin, was still out there heading to the Black Tower, and Knute had returned with reinforcements and information. Not all was lost for the defenders of New Townsland. The battle was lost, but they would work together to secure a victory and enable the safety of the leadership of New Townland, elsewhere in the land.

Papi was becoming more and more familiar with the tragedy of combat and war but understood that if he had stayed behind during the onslaught he would have died on the field, which was not his destiny. He looked at the hammer he had wielded in combat, dry blood smeared across each end; Papi whispered the words, “Misery, your name is Misery,”. He spoke sadly to his weapon, now baptized in combat, and bathed in the blood of fallen monsters. The Six Higher Powers of Myth’ Gar blessed a mage sworn to magic and a hammer forged for war that day. Papi and his hammer understood  that nothing but death and suffering would follow them. 

After that day, Papi made his  home in New Townland, rebuilding the walls that were once protection for them and learning to improve his magic to help defend himself and others when the beasts return. Papi leads his life primarily alone and he turns to no one,  but Misery enjoys company and she chooses Papi to share that with. The best gift a hammer can give to a lonely mage that wants peace, but is prepared to fight a war to obtain it.

2022 Season & 2021 Survey

Welcome everyone to the start of the 2022 Myth Wood L.A.R.P. season. To start a new season we must finish the last, so below is the 2021 end of year survey. Also, we are posting the dates to the events for this year. If enough people let us know that one of the dates will not work we will try to adjust those dates. I look forward to seeing you all this year.

Feast: April 9th
Event #1: May 21st
Event #2: July 9th
Event #3: August 20th
Event #4: October 1st

Survey Link:  https://forms.gle/1TDH9cG9Ga9HELf16


Greetings from the Wood

 Greetings people of the Myth Wood.

As the Gnomes of the Myth Wood prepare for the coming of St. Ordel’s day, the Wood is visited by a strange man. He is a warrior from a land called Northpole. He is a protector of children and a bringer of joy. He heralds a season of spiritual reflection and the ending of a year.

While the Myth Wood has already changed it’s calendar to the new year, it is more than happy to welcome this man on his quest. He can stay only a moment because his quest lasts only one night, but when traveling the realms one night can be as a year.

He gives each of the Gnomen children a gift, enjoys a pint of Val’Haven mead for himself, then he passes through the gateway and is off. The Gnomes are fascinated by this man and his quest and all feel as though they are better for his stop in the Wood.

All this is to say Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and a very wonderful new year to all of you who travel through the Myth Wood. From all of us that call the Myth Wood home.


October 2021 Event Recap

On October 30th 2021 the L.A.R.P. season for the Myth Wood came to a close. Though the day started out a bit chilly, it allowed for the wearing of cloaks and other fun garb. The day was a wonderful success on all fronts. I would like to thank everyone who made not only the last event of this year, but all the events so great. Those people would be all of you who are reading this. Thank you very much.  Here is a link to the album for the photos. With that, on to the day’s recap.

New Townland, under the leadership of Azreal, worked to secure the site of their outpost. For this endeavor the smith Knute Tzak armed with his hammer of unmaking traveled to the Chaos Forge in Champion’s Fall. There, with the aid of the Master Forger, he used raw Mythranium to build some of the barrier defences the Outpost needed.

While Knute did this, Papi back at New Townland put up some improvised barriers from rope he had in his pack. This initially proved greatly beneficial to Ciara, Hrafngeirr, Orellius, and Kamek, the defenders of New Townland. They were able to hold back an onslaught of monsters. Ciara’s arrow finding the lead monster and taking him out quickly. Ultimately however, the rope failed and the monsters were able to ransack New Townland for the spare Outpost shield.

Meanwhile, the cultists of the Blackheart and the squires of the rebellion faced their own problems. Though they had claimed an outpost and named it Home, a leader was not agreed upon. The cult leader, Michael “Jim Jones” Ratrider, tried to claim leadership; he was opposed by McLaren, the leader of the Squires. Also contesting for the role of leader was Zander the Mad. With no clear leader or direction the people of Home were in chaos. While the leaders fought each other and quested for what they felt was right, a small group was left to defend the Outpost. Augustus, Colton, and Speedster did their best and succeeded in protecting the outpost from both the people of New Townland as well as roaming monsters. However, once the leaders returned and the defenders left to quest for themselves, the leaders installed no new defenders, and the monsters ransacked the outpost and took the Outpost shield.

In an effort to gain a magical advantage the people of New Townland sent their strongest magic user Tyrrin to the Black Tower. When he arrived at the barrier that prevented entrance to the tower he discovered that it would take two magic users to open it. At that time a particularly vicious gargoyle was at the far side of the barrier. It too possessed strong magical powers. This was enough to lower the barrier and allow magic users of any level to enter the grounds of the Black Tower. The apparition of the old custodian of the tower, Hero’Win Metherin, appeared to the two. The apparition informed them that no harm can come to a magic user on the grounds of the Black Tower, and as a reward for their efforts they would get a page from the Book of Anjimore D’Notts, and the instructions on how to forge capture balls. The gargoyle took the instructions and Tyrrin took the page.

The Monsters now under the leadership of the particularly vicious gargoyle traveled to Champion’s Fall and had the Master Forger make for them Black Soul crystals. Now the monsters with these black crystals became crystal bearers just as the people from the Outposts. The monsters became more intelligent and picked names for themselves. The lead gargoyle named himself Visuvious. While at Champion’s Fall, Visuvious also found the Daemonblade Chaos. With this he was able to enthrall a crystal bearer. While he had a thrall he was not able to be killed.

The monster hoard, Visuvious the gargoyle, Virtuous the goblin, Draelich Bael the cursed Gray Elf, and Cerise a small but energetic gargoyle, now with the power of a Daemonblade, wreaked havoc across Myth’gar. They destroyed outposts, and murdered entire caravans. Their power seemed absolute.

However, as the sun set on Saint Riddick’s Day the people of New Townland had secured their Outpost and were in possession of both their Outpost Shields as well as having one defence barrier of Mythrainum up. The people of Home had secured their outpost and had possession of their shield. Also the people of New Townland had synchronized the chronosphere.

This was a truly fun and engaging year, I hope all who participated had as much fun as I did. Amy and I will try to have the rough draft of the 2022 schedule up in January. I look forward to seeing everyone again next season.


August 7th, Myth Wood L.A.R.P. Recap

For a day that started off with rain and thunder it certainly turned out to be epic. Thank you to all that were able to make it out on the 7th, it was a wonderful day of l.a.r.p.ing. Special thanks to Danyel Pick, Brent Pick, Nickolas Clark, and Mike Serphico, you guys were great NPCs.

Now onto the recap.

Sentinelagh the 38th of Ordo, Saint Vandergrah’s day

The day began with a natural storm of rain and thunder, it ended with a storm of chaos. With caravans loaded and settlement shields in hand delegations of Crystal bearers from both Val’Haven and D’Eirsted returned to Myth’gar. Knowing full well the outposts of Fizbandurrr and Brighten Creek had been reduced to ash by the actions of those being controlled by the black medallions.

The delegation from Val’Haven returned to the site of Fizbandurrr, and set the settlement shield down to once again open a trade outpost. The delegation from D’Eirsted however found a new location, and in this way the trade outpost of Freehold was established.

Meanwhile the squires who had pledged themselves to the cult of the Black heart brought a npc to Champions Fall. The Forge Master was established there and he was able to forge a settlement shield for the cult. The Cult of the Black heart then established their trade outpost of Dark Shire in the ruins of Brighten Creek. To further their enterprise they traded their special Cool-aid with both Val’Haven and D’Eirsted.

The monsters of the Wood under the command of a fierce Gargoyle were at this time raining havoc on the crystal bearers. Both Fizbandurrr and Freedomhold were overrun by the monsters. Their respective settlement shields were taken by and held captive by the monsters. With the completion of the Black Shrine they were also able to bring corrupted candles to the other shrines and increase the Black Shrine’s magic power.

The crystal bearers won back their settlement shields and lost them again many times. The cult of the Blackheart made peace treaties with the crystal bearers only to break those treaties when it was advantageous for them. It was discovered that the leader of the Monsters was able to speak with the cult leader. Many of the monsters even called Dark Shire their home for a while.

The delegations from Val’Haven and D’Eirsted decided to join forces and make one trade outpost that would then be easier to defend. In this way New Townland was established.

In a strange twist of fate one of the monsters turned on the cult of the Blackheart and destroyed the trade outpost of Dark Shire. As the sun was setting on Myth’gar the cult hurriedly rushed to establish the trade outpost of New Home. They were successful in this. Then with a renewed agreement of peace between the cult and the monsters an attempt to set all the Cronospheres to the 12:00 o’clock time was made. They almost completed this but were thwarted at the last minute by the people of New Townland.

Back in New Townland, Orellius and Azrael dueled each other to see who would be the war chief of New Townland. With Azrael’s victory he was named war chief and Orellius his second in command.

That brought the day to an end.

Again thanks everyone for making it out. It was a glorious day. We look forward to seeing everyone for the final event of the year on September 18.

June 19th Myth Wood L.A.R.P. event

Clear skies, comfortable temperatures, a light breeze at times. The sunlight filtered through the leaves of the forest onto the winding trails. The sound of battle, the screams of death and defeat. Children running for their lives. Towns sacked, and leaders left distraught at the wreckage of their former homes… A glorious day in the Myth Wood.

The June 19th event is over but what a day it was. We will be talking about it all for years to come. Thank you everyone who made it out and joined in on the mayhem and fun.

A Recap:

While both outposts got off to a fairly normal start it was not long before the monsters had them working hard to defend themselves. A few trade caravans were successful but not many. It was around this point that a few lucky characters found cursed coins that corrupted them and compelled them to work as double agents for the Darkheart. At the end of the first scenario the outpost of Brighten Creek had it’s townspeople killed and it’s shield stolen. The outpost of Fizbandurrr almost fell to the same fate but the double agent was not quite able to kill all the townsfolk.

The second half of the day had the monsters over-running Fizbandurr, and the squires of the Wood forming a cult to the Darkheart. A menacing Deathknight entered the Wood and proved to be a challenge for monsters and warriors alike. The warriors of both outposts united and were able to fight back the monsters, but not before the monsters built a shrine to the Blackheart. The unified outpost warriors were able to put down the squire’s cult for the time being and retrieve their two shields. However, they did not have enough time to rebuild the outposts.

In short, a glorious day of battle in the woods. Thank you all so much it was a lot of fun. I can’t wait to see what happens next at the August event.

Llew’s journal 2.3

Arah 14th, 10th year of King Jerwin the Rotund’s reign.

    Two years of study, and I’m not sure I’m ready to try this “ley line” travel yet. However, I’ve studied the texts nearly to the point of memorization. At this point, I’ve nothing more to gain by reading. Time to take the leap. I’ve located what I believe to be a line a few miles into the wood, north of the castle. There’s a path that meanders for a while, then runs straight east to west for several hundred yards. Going to try just before sundown. We’ll see what happens!


Arah 27th 

      Ok! That was unexpected! Got to remember to carry my journal with me on these adventures! 

     So, I started down the path at sundown. Brisk pace, headed west, when the air around me started to crackle faintly. I stopped and the crackling ceased immediately. I started again and nothing. So I went back to my starting point, and tried again. The crackling started again, then suddenly, a storm blew in out of nowhere! Everything went dark as heavy rain and howling winds battered me from every side, threatening to knock me from my feet! I felt suddenly dizzy, as though I we’re falling through a whirlwind! Then just as suddenly as it started, everything ceased! I felt solid earth beneath my feet. My head pounded, and my stomach churned. I dropped to my knees and retched. Fortunately, the headache and disorientation lasted only moments. I wiped my mouth and took stock of my surroundings. For the first time, I realized I was no longer on the wooded path! I found myself on a stone paved road, and judging by the sun, it was midday! 

     One lonely cart, pulled by a scraggly looking mule, driven by an even scragglier looking man in a tattered cloak was slowly making its way towards me. I hailed him as he approached, and his head snapped up with a look of fear and astonishment! “Saints above! Where’d you come from! I got’na money and poor ‘ole Tober here is near as old as I am! And twice as lazy!”

     “Peace friend! I’m no thief. Just a lost traveler,” I reassured him. No sense troubling the old man with the truth. “If you could just point me in the direction of King Jerwin’s castle, I’ll be on my way!” 

     “King who? Ne’er heard’a Jedwin, Jerwoo, what’err ya call ’em! These lands are ruled by Lord Balthrain. And he don’t much like travelers mister! Best git yerself gone before his goons show up! Find yerself on the wrong side of a jail cell door, or workin’ in the coal mines in Doran.” 

     “Excuse me sir, but is there a town nearby where a man could find a cup of ale and perhaps a bite to eat?” I had my suspicions, but needed to confirm some things.

     “Well, closest town would be Calder, ’bout three leagues back,” the old man said with a nod back over his left shoulder. “Best hurry if’n ya wanna find someplace ta stay before sundown. Lord Balthrain’s men don’t take kindly to people out ‘n’ about after dark. Troublemakers, they call ’em. Spies, and the like! I best be off or find m’self in a heap ‘o trouble as well! So long stranger! And good luck!”

   I pondered his words as I bid him farewell and started down the road in the direction he had indicated. Had I actually travelled to another realm? I needed information, and Calder seemed like as good a place to start as any.

     After what seemed like hours, I arrived at a little hamlet with what looked like a small stone church surrounded by a wooden palisade at the center of town, and a series of much smaller huts and shops radiating outwards. There were a few townspeople about, as well as a few soldiers, walking about in pairs, or milling around in small groups, talking, leaning on their pikes and halberds. Judging by the shabby state of their armor, undisciplined behavior, and the fear in the people’s eyes, they were little more than thugs on the local lord’s payroll. Bullies. I don’t like bullies.

   I slipped into town behind a cart loaded with firewood, and headed to what looked like a small tavern. I stepped inside and settled at a table off to one side. A short, plump, and slightly disheveled looking barmaid came up to my table. “Greetings stranger! What’ll ya have?” “Bread, meat, a chunk of cheese, and some ale to wash it down please,” I said. “And a room for the night, if there’s one to be had.” “Cheese?” she scoffed, “We ain’t had that for ages. Bread an’ stew’s best we got!” She moved in closer, “Soldiers take most ‘o’ what we got for the palace. As for a room, well, I wish ya good fortune with that! There’s none in the tavern, and folks ’round here don’t trust folk they don’t know. I’ll be back with your food shortly!” She turned smartly on her heel and was gone.

     “Stables it is!” I thought to myself grimly. Oh well. Not the first time, nor will it be the last, most likely.

     The barmaid returned a few minutes later with a wooden plate with a small loaf of dark brown bread, and a bowl of stew with a few small chunks of meat of questionable origin, and a small crock of a pale, slightly sour smelling beer.

     I finished my meager meal and left a few coins on the table.  I’m sure the guard at the front gate, whose coin purse I liberated, would be pleased to know his charity was appreciated. I then made my way quietly to the stables to find a comfortable place for the night.



In the realm of Helheim there is a town named D’Eirstad. It has been there for 419 years. The people of D’Eirstad are the exiled remnant of the Hellion Empire. The Empire originated in a realm they remember as Myth’gar, and they arrived in Helheim through a gate to the west of the town. The gate has been dormant since their arrival. On Skyld 15th 419 A.F. the gate will open again.

Read the story to learn more:  D’Eirstad


In the realm of Valhalla there is a town named Val’Haven. It has been there for 209 years. The people of Val’Haven are exiles from the realm they remember as Myth’gar, located through a gate to the north of the town. That gate has been closed to them since their arrival.

Read the story to learn more:  Val’Haven

2021 Build Day Event

So the weather was against us and the ability to rent an off-site location was against us. Yet, as always, the Myth Wood L.A.R.P.ers soldiered through. Thanks to everyone who joined us for the build day yesterday!! We had a fantastic turn out! 23 people attended, 22 weapons started, 13 weapons completed. The new shop worked out very well and a good time was had by all. I have never seen so many people in one place making foam weapons before. We have lots of great pictures of the day. A big thank you to all who donated materials and your time to make so many nice and functional weapons. A special thank you to ElVera Ableman for her delicious wild rice hot dish, and banana bread, it kept all of us fed while we worked.

2019-2020 Awards

  1. Rookie of the Year: Billy Bushae (Nathaniel)
  2. Most likely Not to Die: Rocky (Hunter)
  3. Most Likely to Die: Baulder (Mikhayl)
  4. Questing Award: Ordell (Scott)
  5. Most Experienced: Faolin (Micah)
  6. Most Kills: Elric (Cam)
  7. MVP: Mephisto (Bobby)
  8. Most Epic Death: Gnome Village (Chuck E Cheese Customers)

We are looking forward to May 15th, the first official story event of the 2021 season. We hope to see you all then.

As a side note. If you are planning on using a bow this season. Make sure you purchase one that has no more than a 30 pound draw. We do not have any spare bows. We have a limited supply of larp safe arrows we will be happy to share. Also, If you are concerned that you do not have a weapon to use on the event day, we have enough weapons for everyone to use. So please do not let that be the reason you do not show up to participate.

Foam Smithing Supplies

Here is a list of supplies a foam weapons smith would need. These supplies would allow you to safely build a basic Myth Wood boffer weapon. I will have a limited amount of all of these on hand this Sat. If you would like to build your own weapon this is a great place to start.
  1. Roll of blue camp mat. (I get them at Wal-Mart)
  2.  Dap contact cement. (Wal-Mart, Menards, Fleet Farm.)
  3.  Gorilla tape, duct tape.
  4.  Cord, clothes line, or any string like material.
  5.  Razor blades/Razor knife to hold the blades
  6.  Tape measure, ruler, yard stick.
  7.  1/2 inch fiberglass core. (Fleet Farm, 5 foot length.)
  8.  Washers that fit your 1/2 inch fiberglass core. (Fleet Farm)
  9.  Yoga block, or some other closed cell foam.
  10.  Hacksaw, for cutting fiberglass post
  11.  Double sided carpet tape. (Menards)
  12.  Black sharpie
  13.  (Optional) Popsicle sticks. (Wal-Mart)
  14.  (Optional) Hockey tape.
  15.  (Optional) sand paper, but I strongly recommend it. (I use 80 grit.)
If on the other hand you do not wish to build your own weapon, but would like to donate supplies to the smiths of the Myth Wood, we have a list for that too.
  1. Roll of Blue campmate
  2. Gorilla tape
  3. Fiberglass fence posts ½ inch
  4. Dap
  5. Double sided carpet tape
  6. Black sharpy
I look forward to seeing everyone this Saturday.