Category Archives: Story-Full

My Name is…

Natsra, that’s my name, or at least that’s what I was given, I think.  There’s a lot which I’m not sure about; it gets… fuzzy. I always wanted a fuzzy pet, but Auntie didn’t allow it.  Calinos is kind of fuzzy; he’s my friend. He knew my dad, or the person that I came from. In biological terms, Arstan might be considered my mother, because technically, I came out of him…? That would make my mommy more like my father.  She did kind of screw Arstan and leave him, like a Dick. Also, the she demon she is abandoned me from birth, or construction… maybe conception? But that’s normal for a father, right? Well I have Auntie; she is good to me. She locked me in a Tower to keep me safe for ten years.  That takes a lot of patients and she always told me she was losing her patients with me. I’m not sure which ones were the patients, I saw a lot of people in the Tower. I guess she lost all of them now that they are locked away.

Okay, back to my “name”.  Sometimes I get sidetracked.  Some people tell me it’s called an attention deficit, but then I tell them about a place that has a deficit and it’s still going.  Whether or not it works is questionable…

Okay, the rest of the names in my name.  Some people have last names and middle names.  I guess I have those, too! Most people just call me Natsra.  Auntie M calls me “Nephew”. And the Myth children call me “Cousin”.  But most people call me Natsra.

The first thing I remember is all of a sudden I appeared in the Myth Wood.  I didn’t know it was the Myth Wood, I didn’t know much of anything. There was this old man, he was with me, or maybe I was with him.  It’s confusing. Later I recall some things that I guess happened before, but it seems like a broken memory. Almost like I’m not sure what happened first.  When I talked to Auntie about it, she helped me understand. So it’s funny that the first thing I remember was after some things that I remember later. But later after that there is a lot more, but that’s in the Myth Wood after the thing that came after the other which was before.  Which reminds me of a funny story, there was some guys on this thing in the sky and they were lined up to jump out the back door. One guy was second to last in line to go out, the guy behind him was last. Anyway, they pushed out a boat first (I know, why’s a boat in the sky?) and then the other ones started going out the back door one at a time.  The guy who was second to last was follow the guy in front of him, funny looking guy named “George”, red hair, never trust a Ginger, no soul. Anyway, George tried to stop at the door, but the guy second to last pushed him out. George fell funny; it was a long drop. That’s why George stopped. Anyway the guy behind the guy who was second to last, (he was last) he hit his head and fell down.  But then he jumped up and out of the thing in the sky. He fell for a long time.

Where was I?  Old guy, I’m not sure of his name.  In fact, I don’t know if I saw him again, but I think he was in the Wizard’s Tower a few times.  I’m not sure, I might have been stuck in Auntie’s darkness. Back to my first memory, I ran away from the old guy.  I wasn’t sure why at the time, but I think I was upset about something. Then I found a pretty flower and forgot what I was upset about.  Then I was skipping and I came into King’s Rest (I didn’t know it was King’s Rest until later when Auntie told me what places are called what they are called).  I was a happy little boy, with a pretty flower in one hand and a dagger in the other. Not sure how I got a dagger, but I had one. That’s when I was introduced to Lord Elric and death, sort of.  He put his spear in me… I guess he thought I was dangerous with my flower… and the dagger. I was really confused when I was all of a sudden pulled into Eir’s Garden. I didn’t know what Eir’s Garden was, but I learned later.  It’s where you go when you die, sort of. Not sort of where you go, it’s where you go, the ‘sort of’ is referring to death. Because it’s not really death, it’s just sort of death.

So Eir was a nice lady and we chatted.  There were other people there, too. That’s where I met Vigo and my other Auntie (I didn’t know she was my auntie at the time, but I felt a strange connection, and later it made sense.) Now that I think of it, Calinos was there, too!  They were all looking for Arstan who had just disappeared. I didn’t piece it all together at the time, or I might have told them. Come to think of it, I could probably tell them now, but I’m not sure if I’m allowed. They talked to me until Eir told me it was okay for me to go back into the Myth Wood.  I was about five years old. Or at least I looked like I was about five years old. I’m not really sure how old I am. Depending on your perspective, at the time I could have been less than a day old, or potentially, I’m as old as Arstan, considering that I am part of Arstan. It’s also possible that I’m older, but the math gets confusing.  I’d have to explain that one, but I’m not sure how. Mommy tricked Daddy and I happened… That about sums it up, perhaps a product of the two, or a division of one or the addition of two minus some of one. There might be a math joke in there somewhere. One time I told some guy about Mommy tricking Daddy and he said it was like poking holes in rubbers, whatever that means.  I guess Mommy poked Daddy full of holes and I slipped through. But that was back when I was just a little squirt. The moral of the story is, you can’t get a memory pregnant.

Back to the Myth Wood: I went back in and found some people.  They were different then than they are now. I think they were part of the Ordin, I’m not sure, but now they dress in purple.  They got married in the Myth Wood! Sometimes we fight, but that day we were nice with each other. I showed her that I could die, sort of, but I wouldn’t be dead.  Then I told her to stab me, so she did. Sometimes I ask girls to stab me, I get confused. I think it might be an Oedipus Complex or something since my mom is more like a dead beat dad and my dad is sort of my mom that I sucked the life out of…  I might be my dad with the curse of my mother, but I’m not sure. Auntie says it’s complicated. Kind of like their relationship.

So I died again, sort of.  When I went back into the Myth Wood again, that’s when I found Auntie.  Or maybe she found me? She locked me in the Wizard’s Tower, I don’t think she like that I was taking trips to Eir’s Garden.  

Well that almost covers part of the beginning.

I stayed in the Tower for about ten years, I think.  The people were nice, I miss them; especially the ladies that played with me.  They are all locked inside now. Oh, we haven’t gotten to that part of the story, yet.  

Life in the Tower was great!  Some people said I was a prisoner; I really liked being a prisoner.  It’s a lot of fun. I learned things, lots of things. Things Auntie said I can’t tell people about, like other worlds and how they live.  She wanted me to study things and try to figure out if I could stop some curse or something. I think we did stop the Blighted’s curse? That was later.  In the Tower I went to class with some other people, mostly young wizards or mages. Tanner was there, but he didn’t get locked in the Tower. There were things we learned about, like skulls and some game that these gods played.  And some other boring stuff that Auntie wanted me to pay attention to, but I’m not sure because I wasn’t listening.

Then I escaped from the Tower!  What a GLORIOUS day that was. I found out from those tower wenches that a tournament was taking place in the Arena. I wanted to go, and since I couldn’t find Auntie to ask her permission, I decided to find a way out of the Tower.  Don’t tell Auntie how I did it, but I snuck out behind Tanner. He didn’t even know and if Auntie knew it was Tanner he’d get in trouble, but since he didn’t know he did it and she doesn’t know how I did it then he won’t get in trouble.  No harm, no foul. It was over a year ago anyway, lot of water under the bridge. Speaking of bridges… oh wait, I was talking about Tournament Day! So I fought in the tournament. Auntie wasn’t happy with me; I think it was because I didn’t win.  I’ll try again next year. When I saw her that day, she was working in Eir’s Garden. It was a big surprise when she saw me. She wasn’t very happy. Sometimes Auntie is happy, but a lot of times Auntie isn’t very happy. I think I might make her angry sometimes.  That’s why she sends me to her darkness. But I can’t go there now; it’s locked in the Tower.

Oh boy, I better focus so we can finish this story.

2019 Events

No upcoming events

A King and a Brigand No More

It was year one The First King, King McCormick, had just begun his rule of the Myth Wood and had not yet established his laws or taxes. He had reigned in the people of the Myth Wood to crown him King, but had not yet put together the forces that would govern it. Because of this, the soldiers were working for him on faith alone and many were struggling to provide for themselves and their families. Without money to pay the soldiers and to provide the goods for the kingdom it seemed that brigands and mercenaries would soon run wild within the Myth Wood.  It was known throughout the kingdom, or at least by the brigands, that the Crown was having troubles filling its treasury. There were two such brigands that sought to take advantage of the situation, but by very different means.

The brigand Vigo gathered his forces and set up a tollway at the Myth Wood’s busiest intersection and would allow no one to pass without paying him for the privilege.

While I, Riven, knew that the King would try to quell this rebellion and work to take back the roads. Because this was an inevitable conflict that I wanted no part of, I tried to stay away from Vigo but without much success. I determined that I must take action to secure my own safety and free passage throughout the Myth Wood.

My dilemma started after having felt the cold steel of Vigo’s blade. I did not wish to continue to challenge his Brigand group for passage in the Myth Wood. I also did not want to run to the King like a simple peasant and beg him to deal with the situation. That would do nothing for my reputation and could undermine my credibility with the other brigands. Having just found my way into the Myth Wood I did not wish to make enemies or strong alliances with anyone before learning more of their motives.

As I worked my way around Vigo’s tollway I considered my options and happened upon an old keep. I did not know it at the time but this was Grey Arrow Keep, previous home of the Grey Elves. I found the structure to be suitable for defense and could be reasonably worked into a shelter for hard times. I considered the other Keeps in the Myth Wood and realized that King’s Rest and High Guard Keep  were the only two places that were currently occupied. I saw firsthand how difficult it was for the King to patrol and protect the vast Myth Wood with such few soldiers at his disposal. This was when I started to formulate my plan. One that helps the King, secures my future, and could possibly give me power to influence the Myth Wood as a whole. All while saving face with the Brigands and Mercenaries so that I could use their services in the future if necessary. I knew what I would need to accomplish my goals. I needed the skills of Shaun Sean, the fury of Balin, the might of Grimner, good timing, and every bit of the wealth I had accumulated in my short life within the Myth Wood.

Hiring these brave mercenaries was my first goal. They was easy enough to track down and was more than willing to go along with my plans as it meant no real work for them and hopefully they would not have to kill anyone. Their intrigue was heightened because I hired them anonymously and without details beyond their own strict duties.  

Next, I needed to find a time and place that the King would be alone. I came upon this information by loosening the tongue of a down trodden soldier with a few coins and found that the King would be by Hammers Hold later that very day. He would be alone because his soldiers were out collecting the first round of taxes from the Keeps in the Myth Wood.  I cannot speak as to how Shaun Sean captured the King other than to remark that the King did not look any worse for wear and that Balin was missing when I met him at Grey Arrow Keep that afternoon.

“Hail to the King!” I exclaimed to Grimner who was guarding Grey Arrow Keep for me as a security measure. I did not want anyone disturbing my meeting with the King. I spiraled my way down the stairs of the keep until I reached the dungeon where Shaun Sean held the king.  

“What is this about Riven?” King McCormick boomed at me as I entered the dank chamber. He was keeping his calm but I could see the anger dwelling deeper in his eyes. It was a testament to the man that he could still command such authority when he was tied and captured without any idea of how he might escape.

“I needed to speak with you alone and to give you an idea of how ill equipped the realm is to stop attempts on your life at this time.” I replied. “I have no desire to harm you and your bindings can be removed immediately if you are willing to hear me out.”

“There seems to be no choice in the matter.” McCormick grumbled.

Shaun Sean released the King from his ties and climbed the stairs to guard the door with Grimner as we discussed our private matters.

“It is widely known that the Crown does not have deep coffers and that soldiers are starting to look to more devious and unsavory ways to make some coin.” I began. “It cost me almost nothing to learn of your location and how many guards you would have with you at the time.” “I am not looking to exploit this lack of funds. In fact, I seek to strengthen your rule over the Myth Wood and even offer some of my own services to you.”

King McCormick eyed me suspiciously.  He had good reason for this since rumor was already spreading about my hijacking of a caravan and systematic elimination of everyone in the party. I cannot help it if they did not post a rear guard.

“Here is my offer. I will give you the money you need to pay your soldiers until you have accumulated enough money through your tax collection. I will also do my best to keep the brigands and mercenaries under control and stop them from overrunning all of the Keeps within the Myth Wood.”

“Of course they will still need something to do so I will work at making them fight amongst themselves and pit Brigand against Mercenary, using my own coin to bait them.”

I had the Kings attention but I could see that he was waiting for the hammer to drop and learn what I wanted from him for these favors.

“Get to the point!” McCormick demanded. “What do you want?”

“All I ask is that you make me a member of your Court. There is no royalty within the Myth Wood beyond the Royal Family and you are in sore need of someone to guard and maintain some of the many Keeps in the Realm. Make me a Lord. I will call Grey Arrow my home, maintain it, guard it, and supply you with information on what is happening in this side of the Myth Wood.” I remarked.  

King McCormick took no more than a minute to make his decision. “I agree to your terms Riven. However, if I find that you are using this title to oppress my people or try to take my throne then I will make you pay with your life.”

Having reached an agreement, I gave the King the necessary funds to continue paying his soldiers and provide some cushion for the treasury in hard time.  From my understanding King McCormick never regretted his decision to make me a Lord. His reign in the Myth Wood was one of strength and justice. I was smart enough not to disobey his laws, directly.

Having accomplished my goal and found myself with the newly established title of Lord, I was content to move into Grey Arrow Keep and start to grow my influence throughout the Myth Wood.  

This is the first story about me that spread among the denizens of the Myth Wood. It was twisted into something much more sinister than what actually took place. However, I was not quick to correct anyone as it gave the impression that I was able to manipulate the King to my own means. I feel comfortable sharing this information now because we have a new King and I have proven myself to be valuable to him as well. Currently, I am the Steward of King’s Rest in his absence and that is as close to being King as I would like to be.

You can find me in the Wood if you care to hear more of the tales of my adventures in this realm. If persuaded with the right ale or fine wine, I may even tell you about the first interactions with the daemons that resulted in giving them domain over the Graveyard. Or even the tale of my unwitting release of the Ordin into our realm. Until we meet again.  

Forever Watching
Lord Riven, Shadow Stalker
Steward of King’s Rest

2019 Events

No upcoming events

Letter To Riddick From The Gnomes #2

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Here is a link to our next event, on August 11 

Third LARP of 2018

The Main Story Arc of the Myth Wood Season 6

Mathis, Messages in a Bottle part 2

Before I say anything else, I want you all to know I tried to do good.  This is my apology and the explanation I feel you all truly deserve.

Elric came to Audreena and me for help.  We weren’t given specifics, all we knew was that he believed he could bring back King Balin.  To accomplish this, we needed to find three wolf pendants and a special box.  As we were collecting taxes, we found 2 I took one for myself, and Elric wore the other. The third we discovered hung around Riven’s neck.

Audreena took a liking to the necklaces, so I gave her mine, and she placed the wolf pendant around her neck. If I had known what would happen, I never would have given it to her.

Elric informed me that once all three were in the presence of the Hunter, all we needed to do was open the box.  As fate would have it, we all were in town.  I grabbed the box from Elric and, expecting the King to appear or something, opened the box.  

  The second the box opened, my only love, Audreena, turned into a wolf.  This was the last thing I saw before my chest was caved in by the Hunter’s hammer. 

When I returned to the woods, I was greeted by the Hunter, who grunted an apology of sorts.  He explained that “Fenrir Wolf had taken those that wore the necklaces. They were now cursed to live as wolves.”  They were wild and killing anything they came across.  He could tame them, but to do so, he needed to defeat them.  I agreed to help, in hopes that after they were tamed, a cure could be found for my love.

Before we could tame them, they had angered the denizens of the Wood.  The people of the Wood began to arm themselves against the wolves and created hunting parties. 

Alongside Vigo, named steward of Champion’s Hall and thus Lord Elric’s second in command, we used our powers to attack all that threatened the wolf pack.All I could think to do to help Audreena was to join the wolf pack and Vigo agreed. SoI used my Druidic powers to become a wolf, and somehow Vigo was able to stand among the wolves without being attacked. The wolf pack at that time consisted of Elric, Riven, Audreena, and myself as wolves with the Hunter controlling the wolves. Vigo supporting the pack with his magic. However being a wolf didn’t make me strong enough to protect her.  


While all of this was transpiring, a plague had taken hold of the Myth Wood. It had come through some crystals that meteors brought when they crashed in to the Wood.  I was sick, as was most of the denizens of the Woods.  

Vigo told me that he had a plan that would make me strong enough to protect the wolf that Audreena had become, and possibly cure me of the plague.  I figured if Elric trusted him, so should I.  I thought also that, maybe, the cure for the plague would work on others too.  At least then, maybe I could stop everyone from hunting my love and make up for my terrible mistake…. 

Partial note found in a bottle written by Mathis we believe

Pain all Troll feel.  Bones break, grow, muscle rip and mend.  Troll am born as slave to one call Vigo.  

Boss say kill people, protect puppies.  Troll like puppies, people try kill puppies so troll want kill people.  

People run like bunnies.  Troll call people bunnies.  Troll is funny.

Troll find bottle.  Bottle have words on paper.  Can read some.  Words hard but troll try put words in bottle too.  Think important.  Bye Bye Bottle…

This note to was found in the bottle written by a Troll?

Troll can remember little from before born.  Can remember more words.  Troll remember who puppies were.  Troll remember not always slave.

Troll decide not to like be slave, but still must do what boss says.

Troll thinks one of puppies is special to him.  Troll remember magic that can protect puppy that special to him.  

Oh yea, troll must tell bottle about other troll.  Trolls are friends.  Trolls play fun game called stab.  You see, first troll stabs Troll, then Troll stabs troll. Is fun; Kinda tickles.

Troll find lots of flowers when boss was dead.  Couldn’t find puppies so went to town.  When in town get magic used on me.  For short time, troll have new boss.  Still not like being controlled, but must follow orders.  Not ordered to kill but just to stay in building.

Troll got bored. 

Troll must find a way to become free like other trolls.  Troll must think.  Thinking hurts a little, but it gets easier every day.

Well, bye bye bottle see again soon….

Another note by the Troll in the Bottle. 

I have learned much.  I now know of terrible mistake I make before become troll.  I also remember Vigo’s betrayal.  I believe it is the book he carries that give him control over me. He still boss, but he thinks he too smart to be taken down by troll.  I must wait till opportunity arises and not waste chance to be free.

I have gained a better grasp on my magic.  I also remember a name, Mathis.  I think it was my name before I was troll and forced into slavery.   I also remember the name Audreena.  She is one of the wolves.  In fact, I think it is the wolf that feels special to me.  I think I love her.

She believes she has learned a way to make her become her again.  I learned this when I used a spell to control her after we lost track of the Hunter.  I hate the thought of enslaving her, but it was the only way to keep her docile.  

Boss Vigo has agreed to help return her to her natural form.  I think he fears that he won’t be able to control the wolf pack when the Hunter is gone, and this would make them a threat.  Regardless of his motivation, I am happy that he will be healing Audreena of my former self’s mistakes.  

It worked!  We created an altar to some wolf god and she transformed into a beautiful human with pointy ears.  Now I needed was to gain my freedom.  I come up with plan.  The plan was simple, find a thief to steal the book from boss.  Plan seemed perfect, but couldn’t get away from boss Vigo long enough to pay for thief services.  

As luck would have it, a band of humans had different plan.  Humans’ plan was to get special weapon to kill Vigo once and for all.  Unlucky for them, they ran into us and were quickly killed, but lucky for me, I was then in position of that very weapon.

The hubris of Vigo was his downfall.  He thought it would be funny to gather all who live in the Wood together, and after that, demand they choose one of their own to be sacrificed to him.  He would in return have me give the weapon to one of the humans.  That is when I found my opportunity.

I had standing orders to kill anyone I see that threatened our group.  In ordering me to give such a weapon to our enemies, Vigo himself had become a threat to our group.  As the humans entered the town, I took the blade and ran him through. 

I was free, or so I thought.

I was still bound by his last command.  I had to kill on sight.  I was trying to help the other troll  save the gnomes, but even though I warned the humans that they needed to run, all they did was grab a torch.  I tried not to, but i killed them all.  I couldn’t help it.

Audreena couldn’t remember anything from her time as a wolf.  She had no idea that I was Mathis or that I had no choice but to kill.  She was still willing to help us trolls and as she was part of “the group” I could be around her without killing her.  She was able to collect everything that we needed to help the now free gnomes create a cure.  She was also able to somehow get all the magic users to sign away the control magic.  

The humans needed to test the cure.  After all I had done, I felt the least I could do is be one of the test subjects.  I even thought of a way to get to the test site without my need to kill to take me off track.  I pulled my hood over my eyes and let Khaos lead me, pretty smart, huh?

I hope it works.  It burns me from the inside, but if it works it will be worth it.

Hope to write more bottle…

Final note in the bottle, written by Mathis while he was a Troll.

Llew’s Journal vol 2

(In a far-off realm, on a small, almost forgotten branch of the World Tree, Llew wakes up in unfamiliar surroundings.)
     What is this place? The last thing I remember is being part of a party escorting Marta through the Wood to accomplish something or other. We had gotten to the graveyard…she was speaking some strange tongue… I looked at the book she was reading from…a page strayed and was blocking my view, so I reached up to hold it down…bright flash…falling…darkness enveloped me…then, a small, far off voice, heavy accent, fading into the distance. Can’t make out the words.
     The next thing I remember is waking up on the floor of a small room filled with shelves, upon which were rows and rows of books and glass jars and vials of all shapes and sizes, their contents a menagerie of colored liquids and strange items. Suddenly, I was aware of a small man with a thin, grizzled beard, dressed in a shabby brown robe and a floppy, pointed hat asking me how I felt.  I slowly stood to my feet and replied, “I’m not sure. Ok, I guess.” “I’VE DONE IT!” he screamed. “I’ve given you the power to defeat the Gnarthak and rescue the princess! They said I was crazy, well I’ll show them who’s crazy!” “What are you talking about? What princess? What is a gnarthak? Where in blazes am I?” I said. But my questions fell on deaf ears. The old man was lost in his own revels, babbling on and descending into almost maniacal laughter. I decided I was going to find no answers here. I left to explore my surroundings, only to find that, whatever had happened, I had wound up in the shabbiest, dirtiest, most pitiful pile of rocks that had ever been mistaken for a castle. And everyone I met kept mistaking me for someone called Phil. 
     Something has gone terribly wrong, and I mean to find out what. 

The Bones of Vigo

Vigo was slain in town by his own thrall… Everyone was there to witness it. With Titania’s dagger, his enthralled troll stabbed him in the neck. Whatever possessed it to do so, we may never know.

After his death and everyone left the town, I went to investigate the body. A dark miasma began to rise from his corpse as I got closer to it, and eventually his clothes and flesh all completely disintegrated. Oddly enough, only his bones were left behind. I ordered my men to bring those bones to Grey Arrow. My advisors questioned me about it, and even I had no explanation as to why I made that decision.

The only explanation I could come up with was that Vigo’s influence over the Myth Wood was strong and dangerously powerful despite his evil intentions. And with the strange note we received talking about the rage of the titans of Tartarus, this power could potentially come in handy at some point and if we ever needed it again, these bones could be the answer to retrieving that power once more. My advisors give me great insight into the decisions I make, but without the insight and opinions of King Balin and Jarl Elric, my closest companions, I had to make these decisions on my own and hoped that they were the right ones.

I knew that bringing the bones of Vigo into the keep, and keeping them in the Myth Wood at all was a bad idea. I knew that making this decision without consulting the other great minds in the wood, was a terrible mistake. But one thing I knew for sure, was that the safety of the woods was my top priority and is my duty to protect. If I have to call upon a power we tried arduously to destroy in order to protect it, then so be it. I’ll take time to prepare ahead and take great precautions when dealing with such evil. That much I understand and can guarantee for the people.

Not only will I have to deal with having the bones of Vigo in my home, there are always those in the woods who are watching. Word will have spread of these remains being in Grey Arrow and I must take precautions against that as well. His followers were just as evil as he was, but they were loyal and held him in great esteem. No doubt they will try to bring their leader back from the dead.

It’s only a matter of time until the wood becomes a war torn region once more. Whether it be a civil war or war against the gods. No matter what, we will do all in our power to be ready.

Gnome on the Street

As told by Fenik Blackwhistle, the Opinionated

Discovered by Ryn Hawkwind

So, I was peacefully asleep, enjoying a dream not related to those damned mines for a change, when a howl pierced that dream. I slammed awake and realized the Talls that roam this wood during the warmer months had returned. I walked out of my quaint tree home and saw troll Riddick fighting with the Talls, with much hatred and gusto. I was curious as to why the troll was so violent, he seemed so benevolent to us and where the new troll with him had come from. I then noticed that there was a man in dark purple robes, and an evil grin on his bearded face, and they both seemed to be under his sway. That made me rather uneasy, to say the least.

 I made my way to what these giants call King’s Rest, and there I saw a group discussing how to rid the woods of the werewolves, a young general, a soldier, and a thief, a rather odd grouping in my eyes. They were looking for others to join their party, as they didn’t feel competent to complete this task on their own, and went off in search of others. I soon saw them with two more in their party, another general with the legendary FairenGar, and a magic user. Those magic users all look the same to us, fancy robes, magic bag of crap, and they love to make their enemies stand in place, only this one seemed unfazed by the pure white Mythranium around his neck. They went off in search of the werewolf, and I nodded back off, hoping to return to my rudely interrupted dream. I do hope they get these werewolves taken care of……

I was again awoken, gladly this time, as the nightmares of the mine returned, by the same group of giants gathering around the tree in King’s Rest. There was talk of killing someone named “Vigo”, and how this thief wanted to see the person be removed from this land for good. The magic user with the Mythranium necklace removed Titania’s Dagger from the tree, and the thief attached it to his belt, which had many pouches, probably filled with other people’s money. Dirty thieves, stealing from those who work hard to earn their keep. Anyway, they set off in search of their quarry, and my what a band of misfits they were. Mercenaries, soldiers, magic users, generals, thieves, all working as one. It made me smile, to see those of different classes come together. I decided to follow them, as this seemed important to watch, and my nap was ruined anyway.

They went to the graveyard, and tried to lure this “Vigo” into a trap. One of the larger giants yelled something about a “Red Rover”, and asked Vigo to bring it over, or something like that, but this Vigo wasn’t falling for the trap. The thief with Titania’s Dagger and two others left, leaving those in the graveyard to presumably draw Vigo to them. I followed the small group, hoping to see the Dagger used wisely, and shortly after making their plan, the man in the purple robes, as well as some less savory fellows, appeared and killed them. They called this robed man “Vigo” and I started to understand their desire to kill him. He held sway over my Troll friend, and that angered me. The other troll killed the thief, absorbing his energy and making it some sort of magic armor, and picked up the Dagger. I had lost hope in these adventuring giants, and thought their plan had failed. I decided to go back to King’s Rest to try, yet again, to get some sleep. Working during the night to keep this place neat is no easy feat, and makes one weary, so this disturbance needed to be ended somehow.

I was awoken to Vigo yelling something about a deal to be made with the adventuring group as they walked into town. He started to say he would give Gadaren the fabled Dagger, when the unfamiliar Troll plunged it into his back. Vigo’s eyes grew wide in pain and fear, realizing that he had been betrayed, and that his being was slowly fading from these woods forever. The adventurers had no idea what to think of this, as that troll had always worked against them. Then, when they determined that this was indeed no ploy, there was much rejoicing amongst the giants, realizing that their mission had succeeded, though not how they had imagined it, no doubt. Maybe now I can go back to sleep, there will be much cleaning tonight. Blood stains don’t come out of grass very easily….

During and After the Tournament

After the defeat of the skulls, a celebration was in order. It felt like an everlasting fog had been lifted and purpose had been made clear. There was so much left to do and so many things to learn.

Once things settled down, the minor lords and stewards organized a tournament and festival to celebrate victory over the skulls. Craftsmen, enchanters, and chefs came from distant lands to sell their strange and exotic wares. It was a time of merriment, which I gladly took part of.

After having to take up the mantle of leadership, I had been drowning in meetings and paperwork, always one minor issue after another and it never seemed to end. I decided to take a break from it all and try my luck in the tournaments.

Soldiers and mercenaries from all of the Myth Wood were there to participate.  When it was my turn in the ring, I fell on my arse a few too many times for my liking. I was disappointed at how terrible my swordsmanship was and decided I needed to improve it. I just… didn’t know who to ask or where to start. I didn’t feel like I could ask any of the soldiers or mercenaries. I’d be paying a pretty penny for a chance to increase my swordsmanship, but it would also offer a chance to slander my name. Bardic stories of the wrong kind could easily ruin my reputation, which I could not afford at the time. Instead I decided to go back to Grey Arrow to see if there was anything in the library on swordplay or something similar. I don’t remember how many hours I spent in that library, but what I found made every hour worth it.

Deep in the archives I came across some old scrolls tucked away in the back of the shelves. It spoke of special training for young gifted Gray Elf children to create what was called a “Vardr”. The majority of the time, many of the children failed the first trial. The Trial of Gar it was called. An incredibly technical trial of swordsmanship. It required the focusing of an inner “Selbho”or magic power that affected the physiology of the subject. Reportedly, only three in ten pass the trial. Those who didn’t pass had all magical power burned from them, but those who did gained lightning quick reflexes, their eyes changed, and other bodily enhancements were noted. It was a terrifying and disturbing read, but intriguing nonetheless.

If the young elves survived the first trial, they would then move onto another test which is known as the Trial of Weid, which involved the focusing your “Selbho” through the eyes, and allowed for better magical vision, and understanding. Unfortunately, it also resulted in partial blindness to normal sight. There was very little information on the details of the trial, but according to the name it must’ve had something to do with traversing your own dreams in attempts to find an answer to something? Or maybe to confront something to surpass one’s own abilities.

After finding these scrolls, these  “trials” have been on my mind ever since. I wanted to find where these “trials” were being conducted, I wanted to find how to use this “Selbho”, and lastly… I wanted to see if it was possible to either train, or even become one. It sounds ridiculous, and it sounds dangerous and idiotic, but I HAD to know.

From the personal journal of Llew Silverhand…

     Festivals, tournaments, feasts, whatever you call them, they’re all the same. The crowds gather to be entertained, food vendors sell their somewhat questionable wares, people try their hand at various games of skill or chance or luck. Luck. Never believed in such foolishness. Too often good luck is given credit when it rightfully belongs to training, or cunning, or a well played con. Bad luck is blamed, in turn, for lack thereof, on carelessness, or over playing your hand. 
     Just look at them all. Cheering their favorites, stuffing their faces. Placing wagers on who can knock who off a log with a bit of a stick. All the while not noticing a few coins missing here, a purse there. A ring slides off a finger after a firm handshake and a slap on the back. Such baubles and trinkets are not missed whilst there’s entertainment to be had, food to be eaten, wine and mead to be shared in the revelry. Prizes will be awarded, cheers and more mead and ale. But who are the real winners here? 
   “Your purse is gone?! Family crest signet missing too?! Your wife’s jewels?! Ahh, bad luck friend…”

The Lost Journal of Jarl Riddick

It has been just about 12 years now since King Balin found me alone and lost In the Myth Wood. He was with his brother in arms Elric.  They brought me to their home and let me stay there, as long as I agreed to work for them. I was a mercenary at the time and was to take orders from them first, and from my other employers second.

At the time Balin was only the Lord of Hammers Hold. We were strong together, we could conquer the Myth Wood slaying both men and beasts alike. Yet it could not last, I had been a troublemaker and adventurous back then. I moved on to advance my skills as an assassin leaving behind the mercenary I once was, and the home of Balin and Elric. I became a shady person through those who had taken me in, and what I learned under their wing as a mercenary. Despite my change of careers I tried to keep peace with Balin for I had no quarrel with a man brave enough to become our King.

Shortly after I had been taken in by the assassins,  the dark book of magic had been discovered. Marta gained her soul back, and became a Sorceress beholden to the Book of Magic. I feared she still felt the rage of the succubus in her blood.

It was around this time, on a hot summer’s day that Elric and I, went on a stroll past Grey Arrow keep when we stumbled upon Marta. She was struggling to move a book out of the Battle Arena of Valor. I asked her, “what kind of book could this be?” she could not tell us. All she knew was she needed to take it to a sacred place to decipher its contents. Marta had asked us to help her transport this magical book of power to the Graveyard of the Fallen. For she was much too weak, and it was draining her energy.

Elric and I had agreed to help her, for she was no longer with the Daemons, she was one of us. So we made it to the graveyard, and Marta begun reading from the strange book, when a fury started to grow within me. My bones ached and twisted my head was throbbing, I felt angry, upset, hurt, my thoughts….  I could not control them, they were, controlling ME!!! A disgust I have never felt before, a hatred for all who entered the Myth Wood.  My body grew hot and fiery. My skin became like leather. I was… invincible?? this cannot be, nobody has this kind of power.

A year later I found myself lost once again in the Myth Wood. Or was I? NO?! Then where am I? I have never seen this place and who are these Ordin that have woken me?  Where have I been all this time? Am I dreaming? How did I get here and what are these stories about a troll and a werewolf?! Why am I covered in burns? Could it be true? As I lie on the ground I begin to see the Myth Wood as I once knew it.  Yet it had changed almost as if it had been ravaged by war. Like Zeus himself had slashed the Earth, and uprooted trees. Destroying the walls of Kings Rest. I had found myself in a place called Tickle Town.  Familiar faces had come to welcome me back, although I didn’t recall leaving.

They had doubts about me. They were even scared at times. My sword was covered in blood. I was covered in blood. What had I done? Was it not a dream? The thirst for blood had never felt so real. They say I had endured an ancient ritual. The soul of a troll who had once roamed this land had taken over my body. They say he had resentment for the slavery of gnomes working for our money. He kept trying to call the Myth Wood his land, and we were all trespassers in it.

What happened to our Kings Rest? Where was King Balin? When will he be back? How long must the slaughter of our people go on? Will the Mysterious hunter finally make peace with us? I must find King Balin, and help him restore order, perhaps I could get some help. He deserves to have a good crew to back him up, even if he isn’t here. Although I’ll need to make some dirks, good help is hard to find these days, and money does talk…

Gadaren’s Journal, entry #143

The War of the Skulls is over, and the Myth Wood is freed from control of the twisted gods, but not without it’s casualties. Alas, poor Lord Gadin! In the aftermath, Agamemnon and the demon lord Sam’El were exorcised as well, as calmness and peace began to settle across the land.

To celebrate our restored freedoms, we had a large feast in town, which then led to a friendly tournament. This tournament served as exercise to practice and workout our combat strengths, as well as build unity and goodwill among the citizens so that we might stand together against any challenge that might threaten our kingdom at a future point.

At the conclusion of the tourney, his majesty King Balin redistributed the lands to worthy warriors, with Riven now becoming Steward of King’s Rest, Erik being given the Battle Arena, and the empty Gray Arrow going to Rokai, as he was the warrior who ultimately saved us all.

With nothing but peaceful days on the horizon, my shield appears to have little use. I need to have something to keep waking up for, and so I have decided to take up farming, providing food for the land. Unfortunately the soil around Gray Arrow does not seem suitable for these provisions, and I must reluctantly leave my home, and head towards the supple earth of Hammer’s Hold…

Reflections of Riven

It has always been a habit of mine to reflect on my life every so often to help myself realize where I have been and where I want to go. It has been many years since I have done this but I believe now is as good a time as any. I sit in my office in King’s Rest going over countless shipping orders, trade and personal disputes, requests for help or forgiveness from the people of King’s Rest, and any number of other odd documents to sign or approve. This work is frustrating. The King has been out “hunting” for many years now and while he did leave the kingdom in the capable hands of the Jarls and myself, I am coming to resent the life he has given me. I am compensated well by the people of King’s Rest and have grown used to a soft bed and a warm hearth to sit by each night. I no longer scavenge for food or need to steal for my next meal. But I feel that some part of my spirit has dwindled during this time. The spark of Riven has grown dimmer with time and the duties of my post. It seems that the days of running in the Woods, free of care or responsibility are over for this Brigand turned Ranger, now Steward.

Let it be known that I am not looking fondly on the days that the Daemon Lord wreaked havoc in the Myth Wood, or that tragic time when my body was stolen from me and the Game of Keeps divided the Wood. But at least I was able to feel alive. Not knowing who was with me or against me. Having seemingly omnipotent Gods controlling my former friends and enemies in a conflict that looked to have no end.

No, I do not wish to return to those times. I am forever grateful to Rokai for doing his best to secure the freedom of the people of the Myth Wood. But I do long for adventure and the thrill of victory. There is no call to action for me to rally behind. My anger toward the Game of Keeps has faded and I am left with a hole in my soul where it once helped me move forward. I cannot forget the time when I was lost and not in control of my own body, it haunts me to this day. Without that anger to fuel me, I am not sure how long I am destined to remain in the Myth Wood.

I am reminded of my youth and my training in the Art of Misdirection by Silvertongue. She was a master of the craft at a level that I will never be able to attain. Those are the days to which I wish I could return. I had nothing, no allies, no enemies, no money, and no goals beyond surviving another day and learning how to use my Voice as a weapon. There are times when these skills have given me great trouble and now the people of the Myth Wood read into every word I say and assume a double meaning or a secret scheme is always behind what I tell them. I wish people realized that I do not have a thousand plots in motion and am not covering lies with more lies to mask the truth of my intent.

Sadly, I know even this letter will be considered “another of Riven’s schemes to confuse the people” but I have come to accept that. Not every situation can be handled correctly with steel and sorcery. Some situations require a more subtle touch. The adventure that comes to mind first involves the First King of the Myth Wood, Dirk McCormick, and how I was given the title of Lord.

Many have heard the tale that I kidnapped our first King and forced him into giving me a title in exchange for his life. This may be how it seemed to outsiders but the true interaction between the King and I was not as one-sided as this leads people to believe. But that is a story for another time… For now I must return to my endless paperwork and squabbles between the citizens of King’s Rest.

Like all denizens of the Wood I felt the stirring of these new Gods, but they seem of no threat to us at this time and may even be the forces that allow us to continue our existence here. For now I am bound by duty to continue at my post until the King returns or I thrust a quill into my brain from frustration and hopelessness. However, I fear that Eir would frown upon this course of action so I will carry on in hopes of finding a new purpose beyond being the Steward of King’s Rest.

Forever Watching,
Lord Riven, Shadow Stalker
Steward of King’s Rest


Mathis, Message in a Bottle

Message in a Bottle – Part 1

I hope this message finds its way to you brother. This strange place I find myself in seems to have cut me off from all familiar sources of power. I even attempted to call forth the family Water elemental, the lazy thing is ignoring me. I’m putting this note in the sacred bottle, now that lazy thing will have no choice but to spirit my message to you. The second it touches any water it should feel that uncontrollable pull to it. Glad father was able to finally work that magic.

First I must warn you, the first mate is plotting against us. I’ve had my suspicions for some time, but it is now confirmed.  The treacherous fool must have slipped something into my food, for now I find myself in some strange forest. Some others on the crew must be in on this attempted mutiny for them to have landed and brought me so far in land. If you receive this in time trust no one.

As for where I am…..well I woke in front of an arch that led to a forest on what must be a large uncharted island. So large in fact there isn’t even the faintest sign of the sweet smell of the sea. As I walked through the archway I saw trees like nothing I’ve seen in all our travels. Not a single palm or coconut, instead a forest such dense leaves it’s hard to see through. It truly is a sight to behold. You would love it I think. Sadly, I can’t identify anything that could give me the least hint as to how you could find me.

A few moments after I entered the wood I was approached by a local thief. Apparently, he was attempting to start a Thieves Guild. Hoping these thieves were like those at home I figured why not, get some information, maybe a few coins, and possibly a clue as to where I’ve been marooned. Good crew if you ask me. When you get here I’ll offer a spot to replace the mutineers. They aren’t the most battle tested but they are honorable. Well, as honorable as any thief can be.

There is just so much to tell. Like one of those stories Father would tell. You know how he and his crew slaughtered all the trolls, well he missed one. I found him here, where ever here is. It was my greatest pleasure to rob the brute. I was evading the creature, as I personally had no means of dispatching him, that fellow that brought me into the guild had a fun little plan.  His name is Ryn Hawkwind by the way. He thought it would be a funny thing to have the troll ended by one he was trying so hard to exact revenge on. Like I said we need him on the crew, one with that kind of instinct to add insult to injury of our enemies may even be first mate material.

Oh, another warning if you get here and don’t find me first whatever you do don’t open the void box. It contains binding contracts that you will be compelled to accomplish. No way out of them and no way of knowing what type of contract you will draw. I made the mistake of pulling out one such contracts and was forced to hunt down the King of this strange land whom I had never seen, and insult him until he agreed to a duel where I would have to fight with one hand behind my back. So here I am looking for the King when a local mage informs me that she was off to see the very man I was hunting down. So I followed her thinking the whole time “Oh goody, I get to insult the Monarch of this land that I had never even met. Can’t wait to be on the bad side of a King in a place I’m unfamiliar with. No better way to make a good first impression really”.

So we finally find King Balin, who was wielding a hammer larger than any I’ve ever seen as if it was nothing. I waited patiently for her to finish her business, then suddenly words sprang from my lips. I said some dither about skulls being stupid, and how the bandana he was wearing was extremely tacky. I then proceeded to tell him he was such a bad king that I could take him using just one hand. Not the best insults I’ve ever thrown around but they did the trick. I surly wasn’t on my game and was quickly vanquished. Not sure what power lies in these woods but when I lost instead of the death I expected from such a blow I was just transported to the archway again. Very strange indeed. I will really have to remember the King has such a short fuse. Can you imagine if I had insulted his skirt? Yes, this strange land has a King who wears a skirt.

Well brother Hope this reaches you. I feel cut off from the old powers and am not sure if this will delay our elemental. I will send an update as soon as I can, with luck I’ll have some clues as to where in the 9 seas I am.

P.S. Dibs on the racist Elf Lady. Just in case you see her before you find me. May the sea be calm and the wind fill your sails.

Message in a Bottle – Part 2

So the bottle is still here. I’m adding this note, though I am a bit disheartened seeing that the bottle is unmoved. Perhaps I should find a larger pool of water, or it’s possible it will take longer for the elemental to find me so far from the sea. I will trust in our sacred bottle.

Well I guess I’ll inform you of what’s transpired since my last note was written. As I woke this morning I was noting how nice having a pouch full of coin was, when an entity in a spirit-like form entered my body. Though it was difficult to communicate, I was able to tell that it was a being of power. One that did not have a body of its own, but that could bestow power upon a willing host. It was able to get across to me that its last host had been able to expel it through a ritual. It also informed me that once its kind was just a conduit that linked a person to some deity called Validus, but not long ago the local inhabitants meddled and gave these beings souls. Now possessing a soul it did not want to return to the ether and was requesting that I allow it to reside in me. We struck a bargain I received power that I hoped would help me find a way home and it got to stay on the material plane. After I agreed to house the soul I was given the name of the one that had expelled it, Riven. Understandably it was upset at being sent to its version of a demise. I was able to retain control, well mostly. I am now unable to steal. Apparently this being is all about order, not a bad trade off as I still have friends that would be willing to do the dirty work for me, I will miss the rush in taking items right out from under the noses of the unsuspecting. I doubt the guild will still allow me to remain a member now that I am unable to take a single coin without express permission.

The powers I have received while very useful, are not enough currently to get me out of this place. I guess I will need to strengthen myself, get acclimated, and force my will on this world to escape these woods and get back home to the sea.

On a fun little side note it appears that the half elf I mentioned earlier is now under the influence of these entities as well. She doesn’t have her memories but her personality is still as strong as ever. The lack of memory works in my favor as I stole a kiss a bit after I wrote my first note to you. She threatened my life, but didn’t strike me so I figured I still had a shot. Now she doesn’t remember it at all. She is definitely still beautiful and full of fire. Part of me wants her to be herself again death threats and all, you know how I like a challenge.

Now that I have had more time here I have noticed that the locals are in the grip of a three-way war. Not one they are choosing but one that is being forced upon them by 3 powerful beings that are residing in different colored skulls. The blue skull is about order through ruling with an iron fist, the green skull claims to be for balance though it appears that they are more about tipping the balance to be on top, and lastly the red skull who is for complete chaos.

The creature that inhabits me must have more influence then I had originally thought. I was against taking a side and giving up my freedom but I was compelled to take a blue piece. Those that had blue pieces were given abilities that enhanced their own. I started as a simple pawn but moved up rapidly in the ranks. When the day was done I was the champion of the blue skull. I contemplated challenging for control of the skull. Not sure if that gives sway over the pieces or just gives more control to the being in the skull but if it gives me power to assert my will on all below me then no one would dare challenge my might. I would be able to bring order to the land, and any that thought differently would make great fertilizer for the wood.

Message in a Bottle – Part 3

The bottle is still here! When I see that filthy lazy elemental that dares to defy my will I will bind it to an outhouse.

News brother. The power of the skulls is no more. While those of us that were under the control of the skulls were murdering each other, a brave knight and noble elf entrapped the entities that had once inhabited the skulls. Sadly the elf forfeited his very soul to the cause.

Now free from the control of those wretched beings I have had time to learn more about the place I live. I now know that the Ordin seem to control the government. The shops and banks are all Ordin run as well. Oh I forgot to mention, I am no longer a silly human. I have risen above, I’ve become better, I am now an ever-powerful Ordin myself.

Now that I have fully embraced my power it has grown to amazing levels. I am able to grant one of the denizens of these woods immortality as long as I live, all they must do is follow my every command which they should be doing even without my gift. I have gained the power to steal a soul and use it to bolster my own defenses. Much better then snatching coin, right brother? My newest power is to change my very form to that of an amalgamation of wolf and man. The world should pray I never find my way out of these woods that have entrapped me so.

When I gain enough power to escape we will rule the seas, all of them. I may even take the land our father abandoned so long ago. Order will blanket the lands from respect and if not then fear.

Since last I messaged you I have time to get to know the monarch of this place. I misjudged his anger. He knew of the contract and did me a kindness. He is a just, yet not too soft ruler. I should be grateful for his generosity given our first interaction, I just feel that a ruler should do so with an iron fist. He tolerates Daemons in his realm for Validus’s sake. If I were ruling I would have hunted down and exterminated them long ago. Such vile thing deserve no mercy and no quarter. I would eradicate the very remembrance of the sound of the word Daemon!!!


Brother, stay away from here. I just read what I have been writing. This is not me, I would never …… you know me. Take this note as evidence that I may not be me next we see each other. You know I have no love for law and order. We have spent our entire lives fight against the very thing I now desire most. I fear I am losing the fight for my very existence. I may one day win back my freedom from this parasite but till then I beg of you to not even look for me. Being that the bottle has never moved even an inch you may never even get these messages. That is probably for the best, as I would prefer you to remember me as I was.

Well if by some miracle you do receive this then this is goodbye my brother. If I return to myself I will attempt to reach you again. I hope that day comes.

End of the Game of Keeps


Brother Ravenwood’s

Mythwood Chronicles

End of the Game of Keeps

Hello dear reader! If you don’t know me, my name is Brother Abaddon Ravenwood. Most people in the Wood call me “Brother Ravenwood” or “hey I need a mage”. I’ve been out of the Myth Wood for most of the year on various personal research projects. When I returned, I was dismayed to find the free Myth Wood I left was enslaved by the Game of Keeps. My understanding was that this game had enveloped most of the denizens of the Wood. This could not stand. Continue reading End of the Game of Keeps

Prelude to Tamberleon

The cry of a child, a warriors cry
To answer the call, a call to die
A choice for the blight
A choice for the light
Stone cold with fright
A part of the night
A man of anger, by which he was driven
Would fight for an Order, his name being Riven
A warrior boasting of many talents
Would one day rise to fight for Balance
A man who once was kind and free
Would spread Chaos with unbridled glee
Will these woods ever heal
From the grim sound of steel on steel
A tale of revenge, Fury and glory,
Sit down by the fire, for this is their story.

(Discovered on a page fragment from Book 1 of the Tome of Dragons.)

My Lady Tirza

My Lady Tirza,
I pray this finds you well, and that negotiations with the Dark Cloud and Wei Tang Marauder clans have gone as planned. I advise caution when dealing with the Brethren of the Southern Isles. Their leader, Captain Gweir is a wily man, and will seize upon any opportunity he is given. Once a deal is struck, however, he is a loyal ally. My brother has ever been so, since we were small children. When his loyalty has been earned, he will be a strong voice for you in the Council of the Seas, which has governed pirates for longer than anyone can remember. Uniting them with the brigand clans and the Thieves Guild is no small task, but if anyone can do it, it is you.  Continue reading My Lady Tirza

Rokai’s Welcome to the Wood

Welcome to the Wood

As I awoke from what seemed to be an eternal slumber, I had no idea where I was or what happened to me before I woke. All I had was my sword, armor and a small amount of money in my pouch. Was I dead? Is this the afterlife? A dream maybe? So many questions, but  no one to answer them. I figured I should probably find out where I am first and answer my questions later.

I got up and walked around a bit and eventually found myself at a gate. A gate that seemed to lead into some woods that I have never seen before. Almost immediately after I heard a voice, a woman’s voice, “Go…” I looked around to find out where it was coming from, but to no avail. I heard it again, “Go… Go through the gates and you’ll find what you’re searching for.” I looked back at the gates and without hesitation, walked straight through. Continue reading Rokai’s Welcome to the Wood

After the Void

 Lord Riven, Shadow Stalker – After the Void

            I was trapped; whispers in the Wood told me that I would bring Peace to the Myth Wood by sanctifying the Battle Arena. Instead my soul was thrust into another Plane and my body was taken from me.  It was forced to do the bidding of an extremely power hungry entity. My original goals were always for the advancement of the Myth Wood, even if my methods were questionable.  I see now that I was just a pawn and that the Myth Wood will never be free to do as it wants as long as these Gods are allowed to use us.  During this time beyond the Wood, screaming like a frenzied rabbit trying to escape the wolf that it knows is always following, I had time to reflect. Reflect on what I had tried to do and to plan what would need to be done. Continue reading After the Void