Recently we started to look ahead to our October event and realized that we never posted our photos from last years September event. If you have any additional ones please feel free to add them to this album. Fun times were had, we are looking forward to great times to come.
Category Archives: Photos
July 19th Storm Update
Report on damage from recent weather event.
A couple days ago a major weather event occurred in the Myth Wood, we are unsure if it was a natural event or otherwise. We have spent night and day getting basic services back up and running so that the denizens of the wood have what they need. Unfortunately, due to not having been paid recently we are not sure how much work we can do to clear the trails on our own. We are considering getting together work parties of Einherjar to help to get the trails cleared. Additional information will be coming soon.
Gnomen Roads and Maintenance Crew
Overall Status
- All trails have debris that need cleanup
- All buildings seem to be intact
- Every location is accessible except for D’eirs garden and the Wizards Tower. Although sometimes only by climbing over small trees.
- Best guess is that there are 10-15 trees of all sizes that will need to be dealt with
Eastern wood
- Brannheim, Hammers Hold, The Graveyard, and the north mine are all accessible.
- Both trails connecting the Graveyard to Hammers Hold have trees that will need to be removed. The trail next to the road is fine but the other one cannot be used.
- Hammers Hold has a tree in town that needs removal
- A small tree is down in Old Tickle Town that will need cleaning up
Kings rest.
- Kings rest is only accessible via the muddy road to Gray Arrow or the north trail by the Lands of Stoltz via Old Tickle town.
- A tree is down if coming along the Stoltz road from the Graveyard.
- The trail that goes into Kings rest next to the Government center is 100% blocked by a large tree. This is one of the bigger tasks that will need to be done.
- There is 1 small tree and 2 larger ones that went down in town. The trees do not block the trails but the takedown will need to be finished.
- The roof of the government center has a couple holes in it.
Gray Arrow
- Tree uprooted at the cross roads but it is not covering the trail.
Wizards Tower & D’Eirs Garden
- Totally inaccessible between trees down on both sides of the trail and the good sized mudpit on the trail by Gray Arrow.
- The Tower looked intact from what I could see.
Champions Hall
- Tree down at the end of the trail going towards the wizards tower
- Otherwise things looked fine
Trail to North Mine
- Trees down along the trails there.
West Mine trail & Arena
- Large tree down that blocks the end of the trail all the way to the base of the dock.
- It did not hit the dock!
June Event 2019 & Photos
The stats are finally ready to go! Over 50% of everyone who attended Leveled up. Great job everyone. As usual we have some great pictures that were taken through out the day. Take a look: Photos. The next event is coming up quick on July 13th. See you then
Updated Photos Page

The Myth Wood is made up of some fantastic people. Today I would like to shoot out an extra thank you to everyone in the Wood who takes photographs and share them with us. The majority of the moments captured in the last few years were shared by the four people above, including Fonzi who I don’t have a single full faced picture of. Thanks again!
Recently I took some time and pulled together all the pictures, from many different places, that have been taken over the years and organized them into photo albums. The Photos page now has at least a few pictures from every Myth Wood event that has ever been held. Feel free to dig in and look at the history. If you find that you have some pictures that are not in the albums feel free to add them to the correct event album, Google Photos makes it easy.
Also, there is a video on the page that was taken at this years feast of the Jarls conference. If you missed the feast and want to know what was discussed have a look.
Photos2019 Events
Location | When | Summary | Description |
Pine City Armory | April 13, 2019 | 2019 Myth Wood Tournament | Annual Tournament |
The Myth Wood | June 1, 2019 | 2019 Myth Wood First Event | First Event |
The Myth Wood | July 13, 2019 | 2019 Myth Wood Second Event | Second Event |
The Myth Wood | August 17, 2019 | 2019 Myth Wood Third Event | Third Event |
The Myth Wood | September 28, 2019 | 2019 Myth Wood Fourth Event | Fourth Event |
2019 Stories & Guides
June 2018 Videos
Riddick the Troll used a magical device that captures images to record a history of some moments from our June event. There are a more videos but these are the ones that seemed to be the most entertaining. Enjoy.
Here is a link to our next event, on August 11
The Main Story Arc of the Myth Wood Season 6
June 2018 Event Summary and Myth Times Vol 1

Alright everyone, first as always, thank you guys for being a part of all this. Without the people of the Myth Wood, there would be no Myth Wood. With that in mind, we have updated the Map, and the Political Map. Also thanks to all the wonderful photographers in the Wood we have a bunch of new Pictures of the June event. Finally, the Gnomes of the Myth Wood have taken it upon themselves to create a Myth Wood Newspaper. “Myth Times” Enjoy!.
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New Myth Wood Maps
We have updated maps of the Myth Wood!
Reminder, our next event is May 19th. Here is a link to our Facebook event.
August 2016 Photos
September 2015: Photos
June 2014 Event Photos
The Photos are up! Special thanks to Ms. Marla Kraken, our Blacksmith for the day, for documenting these moments for the Myth Wood historical society.
We have many children at these events and in the photos, for this reason all photos are only accessible when you are logged in. Out of respect to the children and their parents please do not use any of the photos on this site that have children in them without contacting their parents first. For that matter, out of respect for your fellow Myth Wood denizens please check with them to make sure that they are ok with you using a photo they are in.