On October 30th 2021 the L.A.R.P. season for the Myth Wood came to a close. Though the day started out a bit chilly, it allowed for the wearing of cloaks and other fun garb. The day was a wonderful success on all fronts. I would like to thank everyone who made not only the last event of this year, but all the events so great. Those people would be all of you who are reading this. Thank you very much. Here is a link to the album for the photos. With that, on to the day’s recap.
New Townland, under the leadership of Azreal, worked to secure the site of their outpost. For this endeavor the smith Knute Tzak armed with his hammer of unmaking traveled to the Chaos Forge in Champion’s Fall. There, with the aid of the Master Forger, he used raw Mythranium to build some of the barrier defences the Outpost needed.
While Knute did this, Papi back at New Townland put up some improvised barriers from rope he had in his pack. This initially proved greatly beneficial to Ciara, Hrafngeirr, Orellius, and Kamek, the defenders of New Townland. They were able to hold back an onslaught of monsters. Ciara’s arrow finding the lead monster and taking him out quickly. Ultimately however, the rope failed and the monsters were able to ransack New Townland for the spare Outpost shield.
Meanwhile, the cultists of the Blackheart and the squires of the rebellion faced their own problems. Though they had claimed an outpost and named it Home, a leader was not agreed upon. The cult leader, Michael “Jim Jones” Ratrider, tried to claim leadership; he was opposed by McLaren, the leader of the Squires. Also contesting for the role of leader was Zander the Mad. With no clear leader or direction the people of Home were in chaos. While the leaders fought each other and quested for what they felt was right, a small group was left to defend the Outpost. Augustus, Colton, and Speedster did their best and succeeded in protecting the outpost from both the people of New Townland as well as roaming monsters. However, once the leaders returned and the defenders left to quest for themselves, the leaders installed no new defenders, and the monsters ransacked the outpost and took the Outpost shield.
In an effort to gain a magical advantage the people of New Townland sent their strongest magic user Tyrrin to the Black Tower. When he arrived at the barrier that prevented entrance to the tower he discovered that it would take two magic users to open it. At that time a particularly vicious gargoyle was at the far side of the barrier. It too possessed strong magical powers. This was enough to lower the barrier and allow magic users of any level to enter the grounds of the Black Tower. The apparition of the old custodian of the tower, Hero’Win Metherin, appeared to the two. The apparition informed them that no harm can come to a magic user on the grounds of the Black Tower, and as a reward for their efforts they would get a page from the Book of Anjimore D’Notts, and the instructions on how to forge capture balls. The gargoyle took the instructions and Tyrrin took the page.
The Monsters now under the leadership of the particularly vicious gargoyle traveled to Champion’s Fall and had the Master Forger make for them Black Soul crystals. Now the monsters with these black crystals became crystal bearers just as the people from the Outposts. The monsters became more intelligent and picked names for themselves. The lead gargoyle named himself Visuvious. While at Champion’s Fall, Visuvious also found the Daemonblade Chaos. With this he was able to enthrall a crystal bearer. While he had a thrall he was not able to be killed.
The monster hoard, Visuvious the gargoyle, Virtuous the goblin, Draelich Bael the cursed Gray Elf, and Cerise a small but energetic gargoyle, now with the power of a Daemonblade, wreaked havoc across Myth’gar. They destroyed outposts, and murdered entire caravans. Their power seemed absolute.
However, as the sun set on Saint Riddick’s Day the people of New Townland had secured their Outpost and were in possession of both their Outpost Shields as well as having one defence barrier of Mythrainum up. The people of Home had secured their outpost and had possession of their shield. Also the people of New Townland had synchronized the chronosphere.
This was a truly fun and engaging year, I hope all who participated had as much fun as I did. Amy and I will try to have the rough draft of the 2022 schedule up in January. I look forward to seeing everyone again next season.