Llew’s Journal 2.2

Not much to report today. Prisoners were mostly well behaved…except for Prisoner #11071974. His constant demands of information about the whereabouts of a certain princess, coupled with threats of burning the place to the ground with his “dragon fire” really start to grate on my nerves. Why do I always get stuck guarding this wing of the dungeon with all the crazies? I need a new job.
Here again. Once again, crazy man Phil, sorry, Prisoner #11071974 is back at it. Now, not only is he a “dragon,” he’s a “magic dragon.” Claims he can use magic to make things grow or shrink, and he’s going to make me the size of a mouse or some such nonsense.
In other news, Doug Gayhol got promoted to Guardsman Second Class today. Should have been me. Doug is such a brown-noser. Just because he doesn’t “fall asleep on the job,” or “come to work smelling of ale,” or “lose his keys and all the prisoners in his wing get loose.” I hate Doug.
Couldn’t find my keys this morning. Got to work and found Prisoner #11071974’s cell door open. Again. Jarl Faolin and Sir Gadaren were pretty pissed. Jarl Faolin had to send a couple of men to search for him. He was found at the local KFC. Makes sense. The food here is terrible, and King’s Rest Fried Creature has some of the best food in town!
Good news is, Prisoner #11071974 is back in his cell. They even let him keep his value meal. I advised that they take the spork away from him, but they said I had no right to say anything after I had let a prisoner escape. Besides, they said, what could he possibly do with a spork? Jerks! Not my fault he got ahold of my keys! I left them right next to my ale bottle…
My Lady Tirza,
I pray this finds you well, and that negotiations with the Dark Cloud and Wei Tang Marauder clans have gone as planned. I advise caution when dealing with the Brethren of the Southern Isles. Their leader, Captain Gweir is a wily man, and will seize upon any opportunity he is given. Once a deal is struck, however, he is a loyal ally. My brother has ever been so, since we were small children. When his loyalty has been earned, he will be a strong voice for you in the Council of the Seas, which has governed pirates for longer than anyone can remember. Uniting them with the brigand clans and the Thieves Guild is no small task, but if anyone can do it, it is you. Continue reading My Lady Tirza