Hello Myth Wood denizens. I hope the beginning of the off season has been good for you. To help us to keep up interest through the off season we are trying something new this year. We are asking all of you to take a bit of time and write up something for our “News from the Wood” section of the website. We are looking for poems, short stories, long stories, journal entries, logs, etc that would be from the point of view of your characters.
These submissions would be sent to Ed and I to review. We will edit them for content to make sure that they fall in line with the existing storyline in the Myth Wood. A great deal of latitude will be allowed, but we need to make sure that the stories don’t accidentally mess up some existing storyline or rules. We also will do a quick edit for grammar, spelling, and such. They will get posted in the order received at a pace of no more than one a week.
Spend some time thinking about your character and write us up something small. If you are artistic and want to draw up a picture or record a song that would be awesome as well. The more we can gather the bigger our histories will become.
This could be fun 🙂
A few examples of submissions:
- New Story: Myth’en, Myth’gar, Myth’ndherMarie Runesmith
- Roots run deep in the Myth WoodMarie Runesmith
- Llew’s journal 2.3Marie Runesmith
- The Song of WinterFaolin
- Ryn: Peace Never LastsRyn Hawkwind
- Llew’s Journal 2.2Llew Silverhand
- Llew’s journal 2.1Llew Silverhand
- The continued adventures of Llew SilverhandLlew Silverhand
- Myth Times Vol 2, Issue 2Marie Runesmith
- July 19th Storm UpdateMarie Runesmith