Hey everyone! We are asking for you to let us know what you are planning to bring to the Feast. We want to make sure that we have a nice variety of food. We will update this list as people let us know what they are bringing.
- Ed = Beef Roast
- Amy = Beer Bread and flavored butter
- ElVera = Wild Rice Hotdish
- Coffee!
- Mikhayl = “Orc” Bacon
- Frank & Keith = Crockpot Pizza Casserole
- Landon = Goblin Wraps (Wontons)
- Bobby = Wild Boar Walking Tacos
- Lindhal’s = Cheesy Gammon Butty’s
- Grant = Brownies
- Alex & Aubre = We will be bringing Myth Wood Leafs (Maple Cookies) and Gnome Hut’s Bounty of Veg (a vegetable spread with Ranch dressing)
We will also have some to-go containers available.
Goblin wraps….aka wontons