Wyrd 24, 1453 L.K. Recap (September 24th, 2022)

Early Morning

Something odd was in the air on the 24th of Wyrd 1453 L.K. Both Vala and Nobu took note of the strange energy emanating from the gates that morning. Both took exception when crystal bearers not of Val’Haven or D’Eirsted walked through the gates. As with all Crystal Bearers they had no memories of where they came from or who they had been. Still, they had Crystals and they had solid form in Myth’Gar. These new arrivals Carl, Krale, Armani, Jim Pickles, Steven Nak, and Shoe, while having no memory of each other, still gravitated to each other and formed a group. District of Unionized Goons, or D.O.U.G. for short.

The Monsters lead by Visuvious had made a good showing of themselves on the 44th of Ordo, but few of them were about on the morning of the 24th of Wyrd. Visuvious had won Fairen’Gar at the tournament and it rested in Ramen, waiting for him to wield it. The protection of Ramen and its treasure was left to Draelich Bael, and Balthazar. To aid them in this was Salvatore Ramont, a new arrival who seemed to have arrived by normal means, not like that of the D.O.U.G.ites. 

The Crystal Bearers of Dark Shire, lead by Tyrrin, were; Hrafngeirr, Ciara, Kamek, Oreillus, Seymorebuts, Jadan, Lee Harvey Bushwold and Dometheus, they found themselves with numerical advantage. This presented itself as a good time to focus on trading caravans and resource gathering. 

The Crystal Bearers of Black Home, lead by Michal “Jim Jones”, were: Zander “the Mad”, McLaren, Cerise, Jay, Augustus, and Nectar, also with a numerical advantage. However, the defenses of Black Home were not on par with those of Dark Shire, so much energy was given to securing its borders. 

The Crystal Bearers Azrael, and Knut Tzak were now residents of Templum Bellatorum Abbey. Azrael, after gaining the crown of the Fen’Alfar, was able to enter the ruins of Fen’Arwen keep. There he found he was able to summon an ethereal being calling itself “The Hunter”. The Hunter was able to either aid Azrael in battle or move resource gathering points around Myth’Gar. Azrael chose to have The Hunter move the shrine of the Sentinel into Fen’Arwen, thereby making it an Abbey. Azrael started his day learning as much as he could about his new Keep.


Mid Morning

At the Shrine to Blackheart, just outside of Trollmore, a sword had materialized. It was a large two-handed weapon with a massive blade and a black heart insignia engraved into the flat of the blade. It gave off an aura of power that called to many of the Crystal Bearers. A plaque next to the weapon informed the curious that only the Monsters of the Wood could choose who would wield the blade, Void Heart. The Monsters for their part seemed terrified of it. 

This did not prevent Tyrrin, the leader of Dark Shire, from desiring it. The Monsters, led by Draelich, decided Tyrrin would be an excellent choice for the weapon. With both parties fully accepting the outcome, Draelich gave the sword to Tyrrin. Once in his hands Tyrrin seemed to go through a transformation of sorts. While his appearance did not change, his mannerisms and behavior did. He also began referring to himself as “the Blackheart”. The Monsters found themselves forced to obey his every command. When he said they would hide Fairen’Gar in Dark Shire, they complied.

The D.O.U.G.ites quested to form an Outpost. For this they would need resources, Dirks, and an Outpost Shield. To these ends the Crystal Bearers of D.O.U.G. completed Caravan runs, harvested food, and collected raw Mythrainum. Once they had enough resources they visited Knute Tzak at Templum Bellatorum Abbey to have their Outpost Shield built. 

In their quest to build an Outpost, the D.O.U.G.ites ran into many of the other groups of the Wood. They aided the Monsters of Ramen in retrieving Fairen’Gar from the Crystal Bearers of Black Home. They also ambushed a caravan being guarded by the Crystal Bearers of Dark Shire. In these ways they made alliances with the monsters, but created hostilities with the other Crystal Bearers.

Tyrrin, now Blackheart, and his monsters arrived in Dark Shire and left Fairen’Gar there for safekeeping. The members of Dark Shire now found themselves without a leader as they realized Tyrrin was no longer in control of his body. After a quick meeting it was decided that Hrafngeirr would take over leadership of Dark Shire.

Hrafngeirr’s first decision was to inform Blackheart of his expulsion from Dark Shire. However before that was to happen it was decided Fairen’Gar should be relocated to Templeum Bellatorum Abbey. With that done the meeting with Blackheart was conducted. Blackheart was surprisingly non-violent about the entire thing and only requested to be able to retrieve some of his belongings from Dark Shire. When Blackheart discovered Fairen’Gar missing he left. Hrafngeirr and the rest of the people of Dark Shire, except for those guarding it, headed back to Templum Bellatorum Abbey to work out an alliance.

The Crystal Bearers of Black Home began and finished a quest to get a Rune Forge to the Black Tower. Their reward was the third and final piece of a bone crown. They had Knute Tzak reforge the crown, and by unanimous decision it was given to Michal. He was named High Priest, Leader of the Cult of the Black Heart. Which was not to be confused with the Blackheart, even though it was. They finished the defenses of Black Home and made alliances with other groups so those groups could use the Bank that was located within the borders of their Outpost.

Azrael had learned much from the Hunter. Primarily in regards to the Honor of the Six and the history of Gray Arrow Keep.  Knute, Orellius, and he undertook a quest to retrieve and install the Honor Bell within the bounds of the Abbey. They discovered the Black Tower was in possession of the Bell. So they aided the people of Black Home in taking a Rune Forge to the Tower. They were given the Bell for their efforts. They also discovered the Monsters, now being led by Blackheart, were questing to construct a weapon. 

The Crystal Bearers of Dark Shire, Black Home and the Abbey join forces to prevent the Monster, led by Blackheart, and the D.O.U.G.ites from completing the mysterious new weapon. While the monsters were able to get almost all the supplies they needed, the horn blew before they could get everything.



Templum Bellatorum Abbey let it be known that they were reinstating honor duels as well as the practice of mastering the archetypical weapons types of Myth’Gar. Those being sword, ax, mace, hammer, spear, and spell ball. All who wished were welcome to enter the Abbey in peace. Those in the Abbey also stated that those that call the Abbey home; Azrael, Orellius, and Knute Tzak would stay neutral in all political matters in the Wood.

The Crystal Bearers of Black Home organized a raid on Ramen. They were able to successfully take the outpost shield. Later with some decent razzing within the ranks, the shield would be returned to the Monsters. However not before the Monsters tossed a cauldron of poison over the defensive walls of Black Home, killing many inside. A confrontation with the Blackheart proved that though he had control over the monsters of the Wood, he did not control the cultists of Black Home. 

The D.O.U.G.ites completed several more caravan runs. They aided the monsters in retrieving their outpost shield. They partook of the Honor duels at the Abbey. They also completed the founding of their outpost, named D.O.U.G. in the location of the Wood previously known as Trollsmore. 

Dark Shire held another meeting. It was decided to rename the outpost from Dark Shire to Fehu (pronounced Fae-who) derived from the runes for success and luck. Ciara of Fehu, who favored the use of a bow, headed out on a quest to get the bow recognised by the Abbey as an archetypical weapon. The people of Fehu also receive word that the Blackheart was once again trying to build a weapon of mass destruction. This news was also taken to the Abbey.

The Monsters of the Wood found themselves undermined and divided. While in the presence of the one carrying the sword, Blackheart, the monsters were compelled to obey the wielder. However once out of his sight the compulsion faded.  Draelich Bael, Balthazar and Salvatore Ramont, found themselves in a losing position. Fairen’Gar was locked behind the walls of Templum Bellatorum. Their outpost had been raided and razed. Though they had retrieved their outpost shield they had needed to make alliances with the D.O.U.G.ites to do it. Through the duplicit nature of the one called the Darkness they were able to poison the outpost of Black Home, yet still they found themselves in running skirmish after running skirmish. 

At Templum Bellatorum Abbey, representatives of all the Outposts except for Ramen had gathered. They requested Azrael’s skill as well as those of all the denizens of the Abbey in the thwarting of the Blackheart. In a rousing speech Azrael answered them, nay. For in his opinion they had the numbers and skill to win without the Abbey’s aid. He also took the time to affirm that the Abbey had a stance of neutrality in political matters. 

The Plan of the Blackheart revolved around making a magical staff at the Black Tower. For this he had learned he would need to get a lit rune forge to the tower, 4 pieces of raw mythrainum, a spare weapon of a type consistent with the striking surface he wanted on the staff. Finally, he would need one of the legendary hammers of Unmaking as well as a capable smith to use it. He and his monster subordinates had managed to get everything except the capable smith part. Everytime he did get a smith, the smith would get killed before making it to the safety of the Black Tower.

As the sun set on the 24th of Wyrd 1453 L.K., the people of Fehu and Black Home were able to prevent the forging of a new weapon. The Abbey had remained neutral, with Fairen’Gar locked within its walls. The outpost of D.O.U.G. was fully founded, with well established trade routes. Though Ramen was in dire straits, it still stood. All outposts were able to gather enough food stores for their population base to stick out the winter. With very few exceptions everyone chose to stay in Myth’Gar for the winter.