(Gadran 23rd, 8th year of King Jerwin the Rotund’s reign)
Been six years since the accident that brought me here. Easy enough to blend in and make a comfortable living for myself. Too easy, really. But something’s been nagging at me. How did I get here? Why here? Where IS here? Can an entire people really be THAT inept? Is there a way back? It was clear that the only place to find any answers was the mage’s tower that I woke up in. Didn’t take long to figure out people’s schedules and movement patterns. Been able to spend some quality time with the court mage’s library. Took longer to figure out what he was working on. According to his notes, some kind of astral travel or teleportation. Fortunately, he’s as inept as everyone else seems to be around here. Although, no one here has heard of the Mythwood or King Balin or even King Dirk McCormick. I think he may have accidentally gotten something right. He hasn’t been able to replicate his results though, which is probably a good thing. His “magiks” are mostly limited to simple slight of hand and card tricks. Amateurish at best. Seems to impress the local King here, King Jerwin the Rotund and his, um, “lovely” bride, Queen Wendolin of the Pearly Tooth. Yup. Just the one.
Life has a funny way of working itself out. One day you’re making a living in a nice kingdom with plenty of room to do a little deal here, a little larceny there, some aggressive acquisitions around town. Then the next you’re in a strange land, with stranger people, who fortunately enough for this rascal, can’t see through even the most basic of cons! And given the fact that everyone takes me for a common servant, and not a particularly bright one at that, the opportunities are boundless.
One thing I still haven’t worked out yet. If I’ve traveled to another land, possibly another world, why do I have another person’s body? Sometimes I remember things that I’m sure I’ve never done, and places I’ve never been. And if this is another person’s body, where is mine? I hope wherever it is, whoever is in it is taking good care of it.
Alright, got to focus. Got to get ready for a trip to the mage’s study tonight. I was cleaning in there yesterday and noticed some strange scrape marks on the floor in front of the large bookcase by the mantle. Hidden room perhaps? Odd that anyone here would think to make a hidden room. Most rooms even here in the castle are marked with some sort of sign so the inhabitants don’t get lost! It made finding the treasury so much easier! Sundown bell is ringing. Time to go…