In the 3rd and 4th age when the Elves ruled the Myth Wood, governance was a matter of strict adherence. The Elves being a long-lived race were not quick to change and believed in a sovereign head of state. However, they also understood the need for redundancy and empowered local governance.
When the original Elven races of the Myth Wood, Ljos’Alfar and Dokk’Alfar, joined forces in the middle of the Second Age, rules were put in place over sovereignty. It was decided that the stronger ruler of the two races would be elevated to High King/Queen. This High King/Queen would then have the authority to guide and make sweeping laws over the two races. The High King/Queen was not empowered to rule the individual races but guide them as a whole. The first High King was Volund of the Dokk’Alfar. He was victorious over Dain of the Ljos’Alfar.
At the height of the Elven Kingdom, two Kings and one Queen ruled the Myth Wood. King Oberon Alberich of the Ljos’Alfar, ruled all of the Light Elves. He was also recognized as the High King over all the Elvish races. Queen Titania Alphane of the Dokk’Alfar, ruled all of the Dark Elves. King Gadin Fistarada of the Fen’Alfar, ruled all of the Gray Elves. Each of these Kings and Queen ruled in a somewhat different manner, but their rule over their individual people was absolute.
Oberon ruled from his capital of High Guard which he had built over the ruins of Shadow’s Hold. High King Oberon ruled with the aid of advisers. Each adviser was a Duke over a piece of land in the Ljos’Alfar lands in the north Myth Wood. Second to Oberon amongst the Ljos’Alfar was the Archduke. If Oberon were to perish the Archduke would become King of the Ljos’Alfar, but not necessarily High King of the Elves.
Queen Titania ruled from her home of Dhghhiem which was built within a cave structure in the west Myth Wood. She ruled as a tyrant. Her people were fanatically loyal to her and obeyed her every command. She did place chieftains in charge of areas of her lands to run the day to day operations of those areas. To the best of historical knowledge, no line of succession was in place for the Dokk’Alfar.
King Gadin ruled from Gray Arrow Keep in the south Myth Wood. While his rule was absolute, he only exercised his command over the Gray Elves in times of war. In times of peace each Gray Elf clan had its own Elder and internal workings. The Elders would meet once a year at a great feast at Gray Arrow Keep. Here they would vote on different matters as well as hold a tournament to see who would carry Farin’Gar for the next year. In the event that Gadin perished, the current holder of Farin’Gar became King of the Fen’Alfar.
All three Elven races ruled themselves, yet bowed to a High King/Queen. The role of High King/Queen was determined by which one of the ruling monarchs was the most powerful. This was decided by full-out war between the three Elven races. However, in the case of High King Oberon, both Titania and Gadin surrendered to him before bloodshed occurred.
In the event that the High King was not in attendance but had not perished, then the other two rules would step up as joint kings or queens in the interim. They would continue to enjoy joint power until such time as the High King/Queen returned. If, however, it was discovered that the High King/Queen was dead then war to establish a new High King/Queen would commence. If it was discovered that one of or both of the interim Kings/Queens were responsible for the death of the High King/Queen, then those responsible were disqualified from the High King/Queen selection process.
In this way the Elves ruled over themselves and were able to present a strong unified front against their many enemies. They were the undisputed rulers of the Myth Wood from the start of the Third Age to the beginning of the Fifth Age. They subjugated the Gnomes, and Humans. Eliminated or exiled the Aes Sidhe, and Demi-Gods. It was not until the Gray Elves sided with the Humans, after the Culling of the Three Cities, that the Elven rule was overthrown.
Paper on the Histories of the Myth Wood Elves
Information gathered from the library of Gray Arrow Keep
Brother Arcadia
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