To: Jarl T. Riddick
Brannhiem Penitentiary
Brannhiem JR
Myth Wood
From: Gnome Council
453 Gnominton Street
Old Tickle JE
Myth Wood
Greetings Jarl,
As you requested, we put our best Sigh-N-Tests on the research and discovery of the history as well as past uses of the substance your people call Mythrainum. The following is the paper that will be published in the Journal Mystica later this year by Realms Tree press.
Gnome Council
Report on Mythrainum
What we call Mythrainum is a naturally occurring element in the realm of the Myth Wood. It is found naturally underground and in vein-like deposits throughout the realm. That being said, from every test we have put the element through we have derived that the element is not as old as the Myth Wood itself. I.E. some event or catalyst brought the first amounts of the element into being. Also, of note is the fact that Mythrainum is a renewable resource. The catalyst that brought the first amounts of Mythrainum into existence must still be in effect.
The two types of Mythrainum found in our current time have very different characteristics.
Pure Mythrainum:
White in color. Pure Mythrainum gives off a shortwave radiation. While exposure to it seems to have no lasting effects on the pre-Einherjar population of the Myth Wood it is instant death for an Einherjar.
Corrupted Mythrainum:
Purple in color. Corrupted Mythrainum is believed to be pure mythrainum exposed to foreign or non-Myth Wood energy of a malevolent nature. While exposure to it has no immediate effects, prolonged exposure leads to aggression and self-mutilation. These characteristics only affect the pre-Einherjar population. The Einherjar seem to take physical damage from contact with corrupted Mythrainum, that can only be healed through magic or potions.
These are the three most researched theories on the catalyst of Mythrainum. None of them have been proven beyond that of others. While many Sigh-N-Tests prefer one to the other they are all equally likely.
Life-death cycle theory:
Due to the inherent nature of the Myth Wood, at death a certain amount of energy is given off. A portion of this energy is transformed into Mythrainum. With every death that happens within the realm, more Mythrainum is created.
Conflict theory:
Due to the inherent nature of the Myth Wood, every conflict or battle results in a certain amount of energy put into the environment. This energy is transformed into Mythrainum.
Biogrowth theory:
The element known as Mythrainum is not a element at all, but rather a new form of plant. It feeds on some unknown substance and grows throughout the realm. (Most contested theory)
At the time of the writing of this paper there are only two types of Mythrainum. Pure, or white Mythrainum, and Corrupted, or purple Mythrainum. Several historical documents that we have been able to recover from Gray Arrow and Champion’s Hall speak of other variants of Mythrainum. Wegh, red in color Mythrainum. Kronus, green in color Mythrainum, and Lendh, blue in color Mythrainum.
It seems that the first people of the Myth Wood used these three variants of Mythrainum to build gates. The knowledge of the purpose of these gates, however, has not survived the tests of time.
Research paper on Mythrainum
University of Gnominton 17 F.K.
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